
Electric Forces

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • This matter has an overall ……………….. charge.
  • If the number of positive and negative charges are NOT the same, the matter is neutral or has no electric charge?T/F
  • Which type of charges do these balloons have?
    opposite charges
  • The push and pull of charged objects on each other is an ...............
    electric force
  • This matter has an overall ……………….. charge.
  • Which type of charges do these balloons have?
    same charges
  • In a/an ............. electric charges can move easily.
  • Walking across a carpet is an example of charge being transferred by
    static discharge
  • positive and negative charges will ............
  • The strength of the magnetic field gets ………… as the objects move closer.
  • Give example of a conductor.
  • Same charges (+ve and +ve) …………………., opposite charges (-ve and +ve)…………………..
    repel, attract
  • give example of an insulator.
  • …………. is the transfer of particles that have an electric charge between objects that are not touching.
    static discharge
  • When matter has the same positive and negative charges we call it ……………….
  • Matter that has an overall positive (+) or negative (-) charge, we say that it has a/an ………………………
    electric charge