
Open World C1

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  • Life-threatening situation you or someone you know had
    p. 188
  • Situation when someone / something was put in jeopardy
    p. 173
  • Last time you turned into a nervous wreck
    p. 29
  • Your perfect place to live in
    p. 80
  • Career perspectives
    p. 147
  • What you do to unwind
    p. 158
  • Your crowning moment
    p. 177
  • Last time you were badly mistaken
    p. 93
  • How you deal with money (splash out or tighten your belt)
    p. 48
  • Last news you heard
    p. 109
  • An embarrassing situation you witnessed
    p. 136
  • National festival you really like
    p. 121
  • Your favourire series / channel
    p. 104
  • Last time you felt devastated / overwhelmed / astonished
    p. 162
  • Business you would set up
    p. 43
  • What you think about artificial intelligence (AI)
    p. 70, 67