
Speaking Ket

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  • When do you usually go to bed?
    I usually go to bed at about 10 p.m.
  • please tell me something about your dinner yesterday.
    My mum made fried rice with beans and vegetables. I had it with a salad and coke. It was very nice. I enjoyed it a lot.
  • how often do you go out in the evening?
    I go out once or twice a week. I meet friends to have a coffee or go to the cinema.
  • Do you work or are you a student?
    I’m a student. 
  • Can you introduce yourself?
  • Where do you come from?
    I  come from Viet Nam.
  • please tell me something about what you will do this evening
    I'll go home and help my mother with some jobs in the house. Then we'll have dinner together. After that I do some English homework and maybe watch TV before I
  • what do you like doing best in the evening?
    I like watching TV or going out with my friends
  • In your family, who cooks the best food!
    My dad. He's a really good cook.
  • What work or studying do you do in the evening?
    I sometimes do maths and sometimes English. And some evenings I don’t study.
  • what do you usually have for breakfast?
    I usually have bread with butter and jam, and some coffee.
  • How often do you go to cafés or restaurants?
    About once a week, I think.
  • Where do you live?
    I live in Phu Xuyen - Ha Noi City.
  • where do you eat lunch at weekends?
    I usually have lunch at home at weekends, but I sometimes go to a café with friends.