
Movers 1 Midterm Review

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  • This service makes sure we have clean, fresh water and clean sewers.
    Water Services
  • A person who makes new things is called an ___________________.
  • What invention that Thomas made helps people watch movies?
    A movie camera
  • What invention did he make work in 1879? It gives people light!
    The light bulb
  • _________________are responsible for taking care of sports centers and swimming pools.
    recreational services
  • Who takes care of our parks?
  • What are two jobs of people in the cleaning services?
    Collect rubbish and clean the streets
  • ____________are responsible for maintaining and repairing road signs and traffic signals so that we can drive safely.
    Highway Services
  • BONUS! What were the 3 most important inventions Thomas made?
    The light bulb, the phonograph, and the movie camera
  • When did Thomas Edison die?
  • This is usually the oldest part. The streets are narrow and the buildings are not very tall. Historic monuments, such as the cathedral and the main square, are in the historic center.
    The historic center
  • What invention that Thomas made helps people record and listen to music?
    A phonograph
  • The longest and widest streets are called ___________
  • ______________ regulate the construction industry, so that buildings are safe and carefully designed.
    Town Planning Services
  • __________ are responsible for libraries, museums and town festivals.
    Cultural Services
  • These are residential areas away from the center. There are shopping centers, factories and industrial estates in many suburbs.