
James Watt(2)

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  • How many steam engines did he sell in 1776?
  • Whom did he meet near Birmingham?
  • Why did Thomas's steam engine fail to work?
    used a great deal of fuel/badly designed/lots of heat wasted/costly
  • When did James Watt die?
    in 1819
  • What kind of were a lot in Cornwall?
    tin mines
  • Who designed the first successful steam motor vehicle?
    George Stephenson
  • What were the difficulties to set to work to make a new model, his own design?
    impossible to find good workmen/being sick/not enough money to buy materials
  • How many years did he need to think to repair this steam engine?
    For 2 years
  • For remembering, what short term for unit used as electrical power?
  • What is a patent?
    noboby else could manufacture his steam engine.
  • Tell 2 names of mills that ordered his steam engine.
    paper/flour/cotton/iron mills
  • By whom the thought of the idea of railway steam engine?
    James Watt
  • What was the discovery to repair it?
    separate condenser
  • Where is Cornwall?
    in south-west England
  • When did Boulton offer a partnership to James Watt?
    in 1774
  • how many pumping engines could they sold in 1800?