
Upbeat Units 1-3

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  • What is the girl in the picture doing?
    She is washing the dishes. / She is doing the washing-up.
  • The ending of that movie made us cry. It was really ____.
  • Name the instrument in the picture:
  • British people say AUTUMN, what about American people?
  • Correct the mistake in the sentence: I didn't saw that movie.
    didn't see
  • Complete the sentence with will or going to: I think in the future everyone _______ (be) happier.
    will be
  • Correct the mistake in the sentence: He doesn't swimming every day.
    doesn't swim
  • Put the verb in the correct form: My parents met while they _________ (study) in college.
    were studying
  • What kind of music are they playing?
  • Choose the correct adjective: Her brother is so a) sensitive b) cheerful. He smiles all the time.
  • What is the boy in the picture doing?
    He is vacuuming.
  • The movie was __________. I didn't understand anything! a) dreadful b) confusing
  • What kind of music are they playing?
  • A ______interviews people for a newspaper.
    reporter / journalist
  • Complete the sentence with will or going to: My computer is so old and slow. it ______ (stop) working soon.
    is going to
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the adjective: These shoes are _______ (expensive) than those.
    more expensive
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the adjective: John's sister is ______ (old) than him. She is 25, and he is 7.
    much older
  • A ______ welcomes people when they arrive at a hotel.
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the adjective: This restaurant has ____ (good) pizza in town.
    the best
  • Name the instrument in the picture: