
RH G2A 1/30 Garage Sale

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  • What happened at the beginning?
    Any suitable answer
  • What is her job?
    A teacher
  • What is her job?
    A Cook
  • What are the nouns in this text?
    Lim, Scruffy, screen, street
  • Who is Pal?
    The Ice Cream Maker
  • What job does she do?
    She is a nurse
  • Who are these characters?
    Lim and Dad
  • Is it good to sell to friends? Why?
    Any suitable answer
  • What did the man buy?
    The screen
  • What is a community?
    A group of people living in the same area and having things in common. Helping each other and being supportive.
  • Can you read these words?
    help, what, people
  • Where are they?
    At the market
  • What is his job?
    A Doctor