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  • Complete with A, AN or say "no article": Do want ___ apple?
    Do you want an apple?
  • Unscramble: slim / is / tall / Carlos / and
    Carlos is tall and slim.
  • Unscramble: languages / many / you / how / do / speak / ?
    How many languages do you speak?
  • Complete: Where _____ (Carmen/sit) now?
    Where is Carmen sitting now?
  • Complete with SOME or ANY: Where's everybody? I don't see ____ students here.
  • Complete with A LOT OF, MANY or MUCH: There isn't ____ rice here. We need more.
  • Complete with A LOT OF, MANY or MUCH: I can't walk well. There are ____ people.
    a lot of / many
  • Unscramble: does / like/ what / look/ she / ?
    What does she look like?
  • Complete with SOME or ANY: There's _____ juice in my refrigerator.
  • Complete: I ____ born in Iquitos.
  • Complete: We _____ (brush) our teeth at the moment.
    are brushing
  • Which word is different? Why? RED - GRAY - CURLY - BLACK
    CURLY because it's about hair color.
  • Complete: When ____ they play sports?
  • Complete: Where ____ Anna live?
  • Unscramble: her / Martha / in / is / thirties
    Martha is in her thirties
  • Complete with A, AN or say "no article": We need ____ bread.
    No article - We need bread
  • Complete: Where ____ you born?
  • Complete:Who _____ (Sergio and Luis / talk) to?
    Who are Sergio and Luis talking to?
  • Complete: Look! Manuel _____ (open) his presents.
    is opening
  • Which word is different? Why? GRAPES - CARROTS - ONIONS - LETTUCE
    GRAPES because they're fruit.