
Fishing With Grandpa

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  • What do you think they like the most about fishing?
  • What does he get?
    He gets the fishing poles.
  • With whom does he go to fishing?
    He goes to fishing with his grandpa.
  • After a big fish bites his hook, what does he do?
    He pulls it in.
  • What do they get into?
    They get into the boat.
  • What are some other things families can do together?
  • Who bites his hook?
    A big fish.
  • What do the they have in common?
  • What do they do with the big fish?
    First they clean it, then they cook it and finally they eat it.
  • On what they put the worms?
    On their hooks.
  • What does his grandpa get?
    His grandpa gets the worms?
  • How does grandpa help his grandson fish?
  • Where are they?
    They are on a big lake.