
Basic questions

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  • What's your favourite subject?
    My favourite subject is ___ .
  • Count to 20
    One, two, three...
  • Where are you from?
    I'm from (Spain).
  • Say the 7 days of the week.
    The seven days of the week are....
  • Spell number 11.
  • Have you got any brothers or sisters?
    Yes, I have ____ . / No, I haven't.
  • How old are you?
    I'm __ years old.
  • Say the four seasons.
    The four seasons are autumn, winter, spring and summer
  • What day is today? Spell it.
    Today is ___.
  • Spell number 2.
  • Say the twelve months of the year.
    The twelve months of the year are...
  • How are you?
    I'm fine, thank you.
  • Where do you live?
    I live in ...
  • Spell number 8.
  • What are you wearing?
    I'm wearing...
  • In which month of the year are we? Spell it.
    We are in ___ .
  • What's your name?
    My name is...
  • What's your favourite food?
    My favourite food is ___ .
  • Spell number 13.
  • What's your favourite colour?
    My favourite colour is ____ .
  • Spell number 17.
  • Spell number 12.