
Past Simple negative

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  • Yesterday, it jumped.
    Yesterday, it didn't jump.
  • Yesterday, they sang Christmas carols.
    Yesterday they didn't sing Christmas carols.
  • Yesterday, Rudolph drank orange juice.
    Yesterday, Rudolph didn't drink orange juice.
  • Yesterday, it rang a bell.
    Yesterday, it didn't ring a bell.
  • Yesterday, he got a present.
    Yesterday, he didn't get a present.
  • Yesterday, Santa came.
    Yesterday, Santa didn't come.
  • Yesterday, they worked.
    Yesterday they didn't work.
  • Yesterday, he swam in the sea.
    Yesterday, he didn't swim in the sea.
  • Yesterday, she danced.
    Yesterday, she didn't dance.
  • Yesterday, Grinch smiled.
    Yesterday, Grinch didn't smile.