
Special Senses Review

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  • Tube leading from the auricle to the middle ear
    External Auditory Canal
  • What separates the middle ear from the inner ear
    oval window
  • A colorless biconvex structure covering the iris
  • Produces tears for the eyeball.
    lacrimal gland
  • The vascular middle layer of the eye containing extensive blood vessels
  • What is referred to as the true organ of hearing
    Organ of corti
  • Another name for ear drum
    Tympanic Membrane
  • Drains the tears from the eye
    lacrimal duct
  • The colored portion of the eye
  • Myring/o and Tympan/o mean
    ear drum
  • Drooping of the upper eyelid
  • What is the central portion of the inner ear also known as
  • External ear is also called the
    outer ear
  • Cor/o and Pupill/o mean
  • What parts does the eustachian tube connect together
    Middle ear to the pharynx (throat)
  • The auditory canal is lined with modified sweat glands called
    Ceruminous glands
  • What is the job of the auditory nerve fibers
    lie close to the tiny hair cells of the organ of Corti then pick up the stimulation of the sound waves and transmit it to the cerebral cortex of the brain (wher
  • Scler/o means Sclera of the eye but also
  • The three tiny bones in the ear the malleus, incus, and stapes, are also referred to as
    Auditory Ossicles
  • An oval, yellowish spot near the center of the retina
    macula lutea
  • Ot/o and Aur/o mean
  • Contains muscles responsible for adjusting the lens to view near objects
    Ciliary Body
  • The tough, white outer covering that surrounds the eyeball except at the front of the eye. This also serves to help give the eye its shape.
  • Name the two auditory fluids that aide in the transmission of sound waves
    endolymph and perilymph