
The JellyV English Class_ Vocab check ( A2-B1) L ...

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  • what's she doing?
    She's diving into the water
  • Who's he?
    He's a burglar
  • What does "Explode" mean?
  • The duck is ______ ______ _______
    sweeping the floor
  • What's this?
    It's an alligator
  • She's ____________
    pregnant (adj)
  • The bears are ______________ each other
  • We need to watch the ____________________ to how the weather tomorrow is going to be
    weather forecast
  • He's ________ ________ _________
    ironing the/his clothes/ shirt
  • What's this?
    It's a torch
  • The cat is ________ _____ _______
    doing the laundry
  • Look! The ship is going to _______________
  • The pumpkin is _____ ______ ______
    raking the leaves
  • I'm going to ___ ____ ____
    sleep/ hit the hay/ take a nap
  • OMG, he has _____________ (v)
  • They are _______ _______ _____ _________
    taking out the rubbish
  • What is she doing?
    She is sunbathing
  • What's he doing?
    He's bungee jumping
  • What is he doing?
    He's knocking on/at the door
  • I _____ _______ _______ every weekend
    hang the/ my clothes