
A Christmas Collar

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  • What is next to the fireplace at Mila's house?
  • What present did Santa give to Lumi?
    A bone
  • How does Santa travel around?
    By sleigh
  • Who's collar does Lumi have?
  • How did Dasher loose his collar?
    He was racing with his brother.
  • What sense does Lumi use to find Dasher?
    Smell, his nose
  • How did Santa call Dasher?
    He blew a whistle.
  • How does Lumi get out of the house?
    He flies out of the window
  • Where did the collar take Lumi?
    The North Pole
  • What does Mila have next to her bed?
    A dog bed, stockings, A Christmas tree
  • Where does Mila find the collar?
    In the snow in the park
  • What colour are Santa's eyes?