
Grammar Reviews

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  • Hippopotamus/the/cutest/animal/in/the/is/the/in/jungle.
    The hippopotamus is the cutest animal in the jungle.
  • They  ________  (do) have to eat pizza.
    They dont have to eat pizza.
  • I  _____  speak three lenguages.
    I can speak three lenguages.
  • am/i/tallest/in/my/school.
    I am tallest in my school.
  • have/i/cleanest/in/the/house/bathroom
    I have the cleanest bathroom in the house.
  • The tea is ________ (hot) than the coffee.
    The girl is hotter than the coffe
  • This computer is ________ than that one.
    This computer is better than that one
  • Louis is the _________ (tallest) of all the students.
    Louis is the tallest of all the students
  • In which case can use the superlative?
    to compare multiple subjects
  • Monkey/the/is/smallest/ in/ the jungle/ animal
    The monkey is the smartest animal in the jungle.
  • You _________ (do not) have to come to school on sunday .
    You dont have to come to school on sunday.
  • The elephant is the________ (big) animal.
    The elephant is the biggest animal.
  • My appartement is ________ (large) than hers.
    My appartement is larger than hers