
Slovak Christmas vocabulary and culture

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  • Who puts the presents under the Christmas tree in Slovakia?
    Baby Jesus brings the presents.
  • What is the name of the first day of Christmas?
    The first day of Christmas is called the Christmas Eve.
  • What is this?
    It's a candle.
  • What do we usually have before Christmas dinner?
    We have wafers and honey.
  • What is this?
    It's a church.
  • What do we celebrate on Christmas?
    We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
  • What are these?
    Gingerbread cookies.
  • What kind of soup do we eat on Christmas?
    We eat saurkraut soup.
  • What date is Christmas Eve?
    December 24th
  • What is this?
    It's a sleigh.
  • What is this?
    It's a Christmas tree
  • What is this?
    It's an Advent wreath.
  • What are these?
  • How many days do Christmas holidays take?
    Christmas holidays take seven days.
  • How do you say "traja králi" day in English?
  • What's the English name of "Svätý Mikuláš"?
    His English name is Saint Nicholas
  • How do you call these?
  • How do you say "omša" or "bohoslužby" in English?
    Church mass.
  • What season is it?
    It's winter.
  • Say "šťastné a veselé" in English
    Merry Christmas!
  • How do you say "modliť sa" in English?
  • What do we eat on christmas?
    We eat carp on christmas.
  • How do you say "prestrieť stôl" in English?
    Set the table.