
7th Grade: 2nd 9 Weeks Grammar Review

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  • Define what an object of a sentence is.
    Who or what is receiving an action.
  • A Phrase is like a clause, but with parts missing.
  • When deciding to use a or an the ________ governs what you use, not the ___________. A) sound, letter B) letter, sound
    A) sound, letter
  • I saw _________ asteroid in the sky. A) A B) An
    B) An
  • Adjective or Adverb: The boy in my class is so LOUD.
  • Predicates are the part of the sentence that is NOT the noun
  • True or False: Adjectives describe a noun or pronoun.
  • Label subject, verb, object: Kristina wanted a pet cat, but her dad said no.
    S = Kristina, V = wanted, O = cat
  • Phrases are groups of words that have a subject and a predicate.
  • T or F: Prepositions create a relationship between words and often deal with space, time, and/or directions
  • True or False: Adjectives typically modify action verbs, and adverbs typically follow linking verbs.
  • True or False: Through, during, and between are prepositions.
  • Clauses are groups of words that are missing either their subject or predicate.
  • True or False: Adjectives tell you which one, what kind, or how many
  • True or False: To, from, and under are articles.
    False: They are prepositions.
  • True or False: Adverbs typically modify/ add to verbs.
  • We have to go to the grocery store in __________ hour. A) A B) An
    B) An
  • The most common conjunctions are in the acronym FANBOYS. What does FANBOYS stand for?
    For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
  • In the sentence: "Yes! I am ready to go." Yes! is an interjection.
  • Define what a subject of a sentence is.
    Who or what is doing the action.
  • True or False: Conjunctions combine words or phrases in sentences.
  • True or False: Adverbs tell you where, when, how, how often, and how much
  • Adjective or Adverbs: The boy in my class speaks so loudly.
  • True or False: A, An, and The are prepositions.
    FALSE: They are articles
  • In the sentence: "Umm, you dropped that." Umm is the interjection