
Diary of Anne Frank Act 2 Review

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  • Why does Mrs. Van Daan dislike Anne and Peter spending time together?
    She is jealous that Peter gives all his attention to Anne.
  • Which two characters had a disagreement about leaving the country prior to going into the annex?
    Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan
  • What causes Mrs. Frank to finally snap and lose her temper?
    Mr. Van Daan stealing food in the middle of the night.
  • Why was Mrs. Frank's outburst about the bread so out of character for her?
    She has kept her frustrations bottled up until this point and she's usually very polite and well mannered.
  • When did the Holocaust occur? (1963-1975, 2000-2004, or 1933-1945)
  • Why does Mr. Van Daan want to sell the fur coat?
    Other people outside of the annex might need it and he also wants cigarettes
  • What service - that Mr. Kraler needs - is he unable to get outside of the annex?
    He can't get an appointment to see the doctor
  • Who is criticized by Dussel for this "unfair" action when cutting the cake?
    Mrs. Van Daan
  • What are two things Anne does to support Mr. Van Daan when he's ashamed of his behavior?
    She helps him upstairs to the bathroom and she tells him she's ashamed of how she treated her mother.
  • What does Mr. Frank mean when he says, "She (Anne) puts me to shame"?
    He means that Anne is more positive and optimistic than he is now
  • What long awaited good news does Miep bring to the residents? (Right after they are fighting about the food)
    The invasion has begun!
  • True or False -- When the phone rings Mr. Frank is the only one who wants to answer it.
  • Name one place we hear about the allies landing in the play.
    Africa, Normandy, Southern Tip of Italy
  • Why does the mood shift when Mrs. Van Daan reads the writing on the cake?
    They realize they have been in hiding another year.
  • How does Mr. Frank find out what happened to the others living in the annex?
    He asks other prisoners when the train stops
  • What year did the Franks go into hiding? (1942, 1912, or 1932)
  • True or False: Anne survives the Holocaust to tell her story?
  • How does Anne feel when she first goes into the concentration camp?
  • True or False: Anne fishes for compliments from Margot and Peter.
  • True or False: Blackmail is when one person threatens another person in order to gain something
  • What are three reasons Mr. Kraler thinks they are being blackmailed?
    A worker asks Mr. Kraler if he knows where Mr. Frank is, the worker asks for a raise, and the worker asks about the bookcase.
  • True or False: When Mr. Frank says "We're his ulcers" he's talking about the people in the annex.