
Eleanor's Secret - P2WI

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  • Fix the mistake! The wolf walked quick.
    The wolf walked quickLY.
  • Put this verb into the past: I GO to school.
    I WENT to school.
  • Nat learned how to _____.
  • Which house was the best?
    The house made of bricks!
  • Who gave Nat all the books?
  • Complete the phrase: Once upon a ______...
  • Angelica is
    tall/pretty (or any suitable adjective)!
  • It's not dark, it's...
  • What does the Wicked Witch do to Nat?
    She makes him small!
  • How many bears did Goldilocks meet?
  • Who ate the gingerbread man?
    The fox!
  • What did Jack sell for magic beans?
    His cow!
  • What's this?
    It's a dragon!
  • Put this verb into the past: I RUN to the park.
    I RAN to the park.
  • What's this?
    It's a sword!