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  • Salt water or fresh water: glacier
    Fresh water
  • Name two examples of precipitation.
    Rain, snow, hail or sleet.
  • What are the two examples of salt water?
    Oceans and seas
  • What is the process of collection in the water cycle?
    Rainwater runs over the land and collects in lakes or rivers, which take it back to the sea. The cycle starts all over again.
  • What are the two types of water?
    Fresh water and salt water
  • True or False: recycling water is very important.
  • Finish the sentence: Water vapour condenses in to ...........
  • Name a way to save water.
    E.g. take a short shower
  • What are the four steps of the water cycle?
    Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, collection.
  • What type of water covers the largest part of the world?
    Salt water
  • Why is saving water important?
    Water is essential for living! Without water, all animals and humans would become extinct. Water is the Earth’s most precious resource. Without water, nothing w
  • Salt water or fresh water: Mountain peak water
    Fresh water
  • What type of water covers the smallest part of the world?
    Fresh water
  • Salt water or fresh water: Ocean.
  • How much water covers the earth? ...... out of 4 parts.
  • What is the hydrosphere? A layer of the earth covered in ...........
  • Finish the sentence: Water evaporates in to the .....
  • What are four examples of fresh water?
    Lakes, rivers, underground waters, glaciers, poles and mountain peaks.