
Thinking Maps 2 - brace, flow, multi-flow and br ...

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  • Compare countries with their populations.
    Bridge Map
  • What are some of the effects of global warming?
    Multi-Flow Map
  • Describe the factors that led to the American Revolutionary War.
    Multi-Flow Map
  • List the consequences of forgetting to do your homework.
    Multi-Flow Map
  • Take apart the word "unconsciousness" to show its components.
    Brace Map
  • Name famous painters and which movement of art they were in.
    Bridge Map
  • Put the steps of your morning routine in order.
    Flow Map
  • Name different vehicle models that Toyota makes and list their submodels.
    Brace Map
  • Identify different measuring tools and what they measure.
    Bridge Map
  • Name all the parts of a cell and their subparts.
    Brace Map
  • Describe the causes and effects of the U.S. Civil War.
    Multi-Flow Map
  • Name the parts of a flower and their subparts.
    Brace Map
  • Compare different singers and their nationalities.
    Bridge Map
  • Retell the story "The Lottery" by putting the main events in order.
    Flow Map
  • Put in order the steps used in setting up and cleaning up a science laboratory work station.
    Flow Map
  • List the steps used when solving a multi-step problem in math.
    Flow Map