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  • He HAS never EATEN frogs.
    Frogs HAVE never been EATEN by him.
  • She WILL DO it.
    It WILL BE DONE by her.
  • They MUST OPEN it.
  • Cartellate ARE EATEN at Christmas.
    People EAT catellate at Christmas.
  • Asian people LOVE rice.
    Rice IS LOVED by Asian people.
  • I AM GOING TO BE GIVEN a vaccine by a doctor in January.
    A doctor IS GOING TO GIVE me a vaccine in January.
  • Presents ARE GIVEN by Santa Claus.
    Santa Claus GIVES presents.
  • The computer IS BEING USED.
    Someone IS USING the computer.
  • Columbus DISCOVERED America.
    America WAS DISCOVERED by Columbus.
  • I am going to STUDY it.
    t is going to BE STUDIED by me.
  • They MAKE sushi out of rice.
    Sushi IS MADE our fo rice.
  • Somebody BROKE the windows.
    The windows WERE BROKEN.
  • Turkeys ARE EATEN by Americans on Thanksgiving.
    Americans EAT turkeys on Thanksgiving.
  • I TOOK the exam.
    The exam was taken by me.
  • The song WAS SUNG by a woman.
    A woman SANG the song.
  • Michael CALLED Matilde Giada.
    Matilde WAS CALLED Giada by Michael.
  • JFK WAS KILLED by Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963.
    Lee Harvey Oswald KILLED JFK in 1963.
  • Someone HAD STOELEN my bag.
  • He IS WRITING the letters.
    The letters ARE BEING WRITTEN.
  • Santa HAS always BEEN HELPED by elves.
    Elves HAVE always HELPED Santa.