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  • Is it correct? If not, correct it: "I've been living here for Christmas."
    since Christmas
  • If I had more time, I (will / would / can) review the names of animals.
  • Sam: "You look great!" - George: "Thanks, (I'm doing / I've been doing / I've been done) a lot of exercise recently."
    I've been doing
  • Denis: "You don't look well, Irma. Are you ok?" Irma: "(I haven't been feeling well / I don't feel well / I'm not feeing well) for a few days now."
    I haven't been feeling well
  • Serhii: Sssh! (I've been trying / I've tried / I'm trying) to read! - Pasha: Sorry!
    I'm trying
  • (Has Bogan done / Has Bogan been doing / Is Bogan doing) his homework yet?
    Has bogdan done
  • Sorry I'm late! How long (have you waited / are you waiting / have you been waiting?)
    have you been waiting
  • Recently (we are reviewing / have been reviewing) present perfect continuous.
    have been reviewing
  • Can you please turn down the music? (I've tried to study / I've been trying to study / I'm trying to study)!
    I'm trying to study
  • "What do you want to be when you grow up?" - "Honestly, I (didn't think / haven't thought / haven't been thinking) about that before.
    haven't thought
  • How do we form the present perfect continuous?
    have/has + been + verb + ing
  • Oh no! (It's starting / It's been starting) to rain!
    It's starting
  • "What's she doing?" - Nothing much. She (finished watching / has just finished watching / has been finishing watching) a sitcom five minutes ago.
    finished watching
  • It's a _____y.
  • Svyatoslav: "Have you finished your homework yet, Andrei?" Andrei: "No, but (I've been doing it / I've done it / I'm doing it) right now.
    I'm doing it
  • Anne: "Can I speak to Dasha"? - Pasha: "(She's having / She's been having / She's had / She had) lunch at the moment.
    She's having
  • How's your daughter? (It she still teaching / Has she still been teaching / Has she still taught) at the local college?"
    Is she still teaching
  • I've lived here for 3 years. - I _______ since 2018. [LIVING]
    've been living here
  • It's a b____.
  • (We've written / We've been writing) the report. Here it is. You may take it now.
    We've written
  • It's a b______h.
  • Look, Timofii! (It's been snowing / it's snowing!) - Yes, I know, (it's snowing / it's been snowing) since five o'clock this morning.
    it's snowing; it's been snowing
  • True or False: After "since", we use a period of time.
  • Bogdan is very keen (in/at/on/for) learning languages, and he's very good (in/at/on/for/to) them.
    on; at