
Higher ESOL Discussion Questions Outcomes Advanc ...

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  • Do you think different countries have a different sense of humour? Why/why not?
    Own answers. (Useful vocab p25-27)
  • If you were in government, what changes would you like to implement and why?
    Own answers (useful vocabulary p34-35)
  • Tell your partner about a festival in the UK or in your own country.
    Own answers. (Useful vocab p30-31)
  • Should there be a maximum wage as well as a minimum wage?
    Own answers (useful vocabulary p34-35)
  • Tell your partner about some places to visit in Edinburgh/your hometown. Are any of the places off the beaten track?
    Own answers (useful vocabulary p46-47)
  • What preconceptions did you have about Scotland before you came? Which ones have you changed your mind about?
    Own answers. (Useful vocab p25-27)
  • Talk about a political story in the news at the moment.
    Own answers (useful vocabulary p34-35)
  • Talk about the best/worst night out you have had.
    Own answers (useful vocabulary p44-45)
  • Should all countries have free health care?
    Own answers (useful vocabulary p34-35)
  • Discuss some differences between objects you might find in your home here and in the place you were born.
    Own answers. (Useful vocab p28-9)
  • Tell your partner about a book you have read or a film/play/musical you have watched.
    Own answers (useful vocabulary p48-9 and p154-5)
  • How important is it for a society to hold onto their traditions? What should they do to ensure their culture is not lost.
    Own answers. (Useful vocab p25-27)