
Charge Unit Vocab

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  • Negative Terminal
    1 of the contact point on the battery to make the lightbulb light
  • Metal Threads
    1 of the contact point on the lightbulb to make it light
  • Voltage
    the power given to the current to flow, like from a battery; measured in volts, V
  • Circuit
    A series of connections that forms a circle that allow the electrons to move
  • Neutral
    No charge, zero net charge, uncharged; has the same number of negative and positive charges
  • Triboelectric Series
    A list of materials that shows what materials are most likely to become positive or negative
  • Electrical Discharge
    Sudden transfer of electrical charge from one object to another, indicated by a spark
  • Current
    the flow of electrons through a circuit; measured in amperes (amps), A
  • Repulsion
    Pushing apart; have the same charge (- & - or + & +)
  • Electron
    Negatively charged particle in an atom
  • Scientific Model
    A representation of a real event or object
  • Filament
    Where the light comes from
  • Metal Tip
    1 of the contact point on the lightbulb to make it light
  • Inversely Proportional Relationship
    When one object increases at the same rate another object decreases
  • Ohms
    Ω; units for resistance
  • Resistor
    an object that slows the current flow, like the filament in a lightbulb; measured in ohms, Ω
  • Directly Proportional Relationship
    When two objects increase and decrease together at the same rate
  • Insulator
    A material that does not allow electrons to move through it easily.
  • Positive Terminal
    1 of the contact point on the battery to make the lightbulb light
  • Closed Circuit
    a complete circuit through which electricity flows
  • Short Circuit
    a circuit where the electrons don't flow properly, can lead to fire
  • Conductivity Spectrum
    How easily electricity moves through different objects
  • Attraction
    Pulling together; have opposite charge (- & + or charged and uncharged)
  • Ammeter
    a device used to measure current in a circuit
  • Amperes (Amps)
    A; units for current flow
  • Ohm's Law
    V= C*R; Equation that solves for voltage, current and resistance
  • Volts
    V; units for voltage
  • Open Circuit
    a circuit where there is a gap or opening that prevents electric current from flowing freely or stops the flow
  • Conductor
    A material that allows electricity to pass through it.
  • Zero Net Charge
    No charge, neutral, uncharged; has the same number of negative and positive charges