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  • What might slither ?
    a snake, an adder
  • What sound do chains \ windows make?
  • money or food given to poor people
  • Name three adjectives for a person with lots of money.
    wealthy., affluent, loaded,
  • Name 3 idioms related to time
    Time flies, beat the clock, in the nick of time, call it a day, round the clock
  • What might GROWL ?
    a dog, a wolf
  • name 3 expressions related to poverty
    spend life in penury, live on \ below the breadline, impoverished area, deprived people, living from hand to mouth, money is tight
  • someone who believes in ghosts is... Name 4 adjectives
    naive, credulous, gullible, susceptible, simple
  • If something is written in stone or metal it's . . .
  • a ghost or ghostlike image of a person
  • expressing contempt or ridicule
  • Name 2 synonyms to PUSHY
    assertive, persistent
  • name 3 expressions related to poverty
    spend life in penury, be destitute, live on \ below the breadline, impoverished area, deprived people, living from hand to mouth, money is tight
  • to Panhandle means
    to beg
  • strange and frightening atmosphere might be described as