
Speaking 5.1 L15

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  • Name the summer months.
    June, July, August
  • Name words from the topic "Gadgets".
  • Say one phrase that a waiter can say.
  • Choose the correct preposition: on/in autumn
  • What food do you like?
  • What food do you dislike?
  • Name 3 things that you CAN NOT do.
    I can't ...
  • Name 3 things that you CAN do.
    I can ...
  • Say one phrase that you can say at a cafe.
  • What is the task on the photo?
  • Make a question: I have got two siblings.
    Have I got two siblings?
  • Name 3 colours.
  • What is the task on the photo?
  • Make a question: Jane has got five nephews.
    Has Jane got five nephews?
  • Name the spring months.
    March, April, May
  • Describe the person.
  • Choose the correct preposition: on/in Friday
  • Describe the person.
  • Name things that can be purple, grey, red.
    for example: flower, stone, strawberry
  • Name words from the topic "Parties".