
Christmas recap of BE 2021-2022

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  • What is “carbon sequestration”?
    a process by which CO2 is removed from the atmosphere and held in solid or liquid form
  • According to David Attenborough, what natural phenomenon helped the creation of human civilization as we know it now?
    a stabilization of the carbon concentration in the atmosphere
  • What is “net zero” in environmental talk?
    a target of completely negating the amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activity
  • What’s an NGO?
    Non-Governmental Organization, works for the public good, independent of countries
  • What does “stakeholder” mean?
    Any party interested in the activities of a given organization
  • Name 3 (out of the 10) principles of fair trade.
    Creating Opportunities for Economically Disadvantaged Producers; Transparency and Accountability; Fair Trading Practices; Fair Payment; No Child Labor and Force
  • Name one idea that you are taking with you from the past 4 months of BE
    (your answer)
  • What is “Business Sustainability 3.0” according to Thomas Dyllick, Professor of Sustainability Management at the University of St.Gallen (Little Green Bags video)?
    active contributions to sustainability / ‘outside in’ thinking
  • How can we show if carbon was produced by burning fossil fuels?
    It has a distinctive chemical signature that tree rings and polar ice both record.
  • David Attenborough says nature is a key ally against global warming. What does he mean by it?
    If we increase reforestation, it will help reduce CO2 in the atmosphere
  • What is greenwashing?
    A company’s attempt to look more environmentally friendly than they really are
  • What is the difference between “phasing out” / “phasing down” carbon?
    gradually discontinue / gradually reduce its use
  • Describe your “company” in one sentence to prospective investors.
    (your answer)
  • What is the “Global North / South”? Give one example of how it works.
    The generic geographic, historical, economic, educational, and political division between North and South
  • How can scientists reconstruct temperature fluctuations from before humanity started recording them?
    Tree rings, ice cores, lake sediments and corals all record a signature of the past climate.
  • Explain "freelancing"
    self-employed, works by contracts with different companies
  • Say 3 things you should avoid in a resume
    fancy characters, too much detail, funny e-mail address, full sentences, too much “I”, typos / mistakes in language
  • What’s the difference between a profile line and an objective on a resume?
    what you can give vs. what you are trying to get
  • Name one idea that you are taking with you from the past 4 months of BE
    (your answer)
  • What’s a CFO?
    Chief Financial Officer, head of finances in a firm
  • What is the “permafrost”?
    a thick subsurface layer of soil that remains below freezing point throughout the year
  • How do “carbon markets” function?
    they put a price on carbon to incentivize businesses to reduce their emissions, they allow “offsets”
  • What is the economy of One Unit?
    Knowing the price of one unit / the cost of goods sold / your profit
  • Name 3 soft skills.
    creativity, teamwork, endurance etc.