
gh vs. wr

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  • wreath (花環)
    There are four wreaths on the wall.
  • wrote (write過去式)
    He wrote a letter last weekend.
  • fight (爭吵/打架)
    My sister and I always fight.
  • wrap
    She wraps the gift in silver paper.
  • unwrap (打開...的包裝)
    My brother is happy to unwrap his gift.
  • wrong
    The knight writes something wrong.
  • light
    Turn on(打開) the light. It's dark(黑暗的) at night.
  • might (可能)
    It might rain.
  • wrench (扳手)
    This is a wrench.
  • knight
    He is a knight.
  • wreck (失事/遇難)
    The ship was wrecked in a storm(暴風雨).
  • sight (視力)
    I had my sight tested last night.
  • wrist (手腕)
    I hurt my wrist last night.
  • wrinkle (皺紋)
    There are many wrinkles on the dog's face.
  • write
    He writes a letter to his grandma.
  • right
    Please turn right.