
A gift for me?

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  • Who was the King of Judea at that time?
  • Jesus was from which tribe of Israel?
    Judah (Mat 1:1,2)
  • Jesus was born in a hostel? True or False
    False in a manger
  • Who ordered a census at the time of Jesus' birth?
    Emperor Augustus Caesar
  • Which prophet said a king would be born in Bethleem?
    Micah 5:2
  • What is the greatest gift this week's lesson talks about?
  • A census helps to count the number of people living in a country. True of False?
  • What name did the angel Gabriel tell Mary to name the baby?
  • Before going to Bethlehem, where did Mary and Jesus live?
  • Why did Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem?
    Joseph came from the family of King David
  • What does the name "Yeshua" mean?
    God is my salvation