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  • I ________________ - let's plan a party!
    have an idea
    make an idea
    come up with something
    make up with something
  • I'm tired and it's raining. Let's _____________.
    go home
    go to home
    get to home
    come home
  • The teenagers knew they would ____________ for staying out late, but they did so anyway.
    have trouble
    get in trouble
    go in trouble
    make trouble
  • She went to the party but she didn't _______________________.
    have a party
    have a good time
    have an accident
    have an idea
  • I forgot my wallet! We have to ______________ to the restaurant.
    go to back
    go back
    come back
    take back
  • He sure is ______________________. What's he doing?
    coming up with something
    going to work
    getting in trouble
    taking awhile
  • On Saturdays they like to __________________ to shop and enjoy the city.
    go to downtown
    get downtown
    come to downtown
    go downtown
  • Summer is a popular time to ________________, as the weather is nice.
    go to a trip
    go on a trip
    take to a trip
    take on a trip
  • As soon as I ______________ after work, I change into comfortable clothes.
    get home
    take a seat
    get dressed
    come in first
  • Shall we _______________ soon for a cup of coffee?
    go together
    get together
    take together
    come together
  • Did you ______________ with your roommate?
    take an argument
    go for an argument
    make an argument
    have an argument
  • The manager finally _________________ about who to hire for the open position.
    took awhile
    came to a decision
    went to a meeting
    came to an agreement
  • Please ________________. The doctor will see you shortly.
    come close
    take a seat
    get ready
    go back
  • Thank you for the offer, but I'll have to ___________________. I can't make it that day.
    take a look
    take awhile
    take a rain check
    take care
  • Time is running out to get her a gift and we don't have any good ideas. We have to _______________________.
    come up with something
    come close
    come prepared
    come to an agreement
  • I ______________ but I just couldn't finish the exam on time.
    came close
    have been coming close
    coming close
    come close