
Comparative and superlative

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  • Which is the tallest?
  • ... (good) dinosaur film isn't called 'Planet of Dinosaurs"
    the best ....
  • It' neck was .... (short) of all.
    ... the shortest ...
  • Pegasus ... (look like) a horse, but its' hot wings.
    ... looks like ...
  • ....... (big) dinosaur was ..... (long) than ten cars.
    the biggest ... longer ....
  • ... (bad) dinosaur film is called 'Legend of Dinosaurs'
    the worst ...
  • ... (heavy) dinosaur was ... (much) tan 80,000 kilos.
    the heaviest .... more
  • Is 'Jurassic Park' .... (good) dinosaur film of all time?
    ... the best ...
  • What .... a unicorn .... like? (look)
    what does a unicorn look like?
  • This book is good but there's a ..... (good) dinosaur book in the library.
    ... better...
  • The Phoenix is ... (colourful) than raven.
    ... more colourful ...
  • Monkey is ...(funny) than zebra.
    ... more funny/funnier ...
  • The special effects are ... (bad) in old dinosaur films.
    .. worse ...
  • ... (fast) dinosaur could run at 60 km/h.
    the fastest....
  • T-rex was one of .... (dangerous) dinosaurs.
    ... the most dangerous ....