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  • Are you a good student?
    Yes, I´m /no, I´m not
  • What are you going to eat tonight?
    I´m going to eat....
  • What did you do this morning?
    This morning, I....
  • Do you like English subject?
    Yes, I do / No, I don´t
  • Do you like playing football?
    yes, I do/ no,I don´t
  • Do you know cooking pizza?
    Yes, I do/ no,I don´t
  • How do you spend your day?
    I ....
  • Do you like chocolate?
    Yes, I do /no, I don´t
  • Where did you go on holidays?
    I went to...
  • Is your dad a good chef?
    Yes, he is /no, He isn´t
  • Are you a good saver?
    yes I am / No, I´m not
  • Did you play videogames yesterday?
    yes, I did /no, I didn´t
  • Did you complete the homework?
    Yes, I did /no, I didn´t
  • What did you do last weekend?
    Last weekend, I...
  • What did you do yesterday?
    Yesterday, I....
  • Are you going to be a doctor?
    Yes, I am /no, I´m not
  • What is your complete name?
    My complete name is....
  • Do you like playing volleyball?
    yes, I am / no, I´m not
  • Can you spell your name?
    My name is....
  • What do you like doing in your free time?
    In my free time, I....
  • Did you get up at seven yerderday morning?
    Yes, I did/ no, I didn´t
  • Who is your best friend?
    My best friend is...
  • Did you go to Brazil?
    Yes, I did / no, I didn´t
  • Are you a good dancer?
    Yes, I am /no,I´m not
  • Are you saving for buying/doing something?
    yes, I´m saving for.../ No, I´m not saving
  • What are you going to do this afternoon?
    This afternoon, I´m going to....
  • Where are you from?
    I´m from....
  • What time do you get up everyday?
    I get up at....
  • How are you today?
  • Do you like broccoli?
    Yes, I do /no. I´m don´t