
Review-King Saul

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  • What was Saul first assignment?
    To wipe out all the Amalekites, included their cattle.
  • Which judge anointed Saul as the first king of Israel?
  • Who was the first king of Israel?
  • Who is the name of the Amalekites' king?
    King Agag
  • What happened with Samuel's hem of robe?
    Saul tore it.
  • Which group of enemies did Saul fight for the first time?
    The Amalekites
  • What excuse or explanation that told by King Saul to Samuel?
    I have done what God ask me to do. I killed the Amalekites. I seized the king of the Amalekites. I took the best cattle to give them as sacrifice to The Lord.
  • What's Samuel response when Saul made an excuse to God?
    To obey is better than sacrifice, to heed is better than fat of rams.
  • Where did Samuel and Saul meet after the war with the Amalekites?
  • Who killed King Agag?