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  • Why were many people settling in the colonies?
    They wanted religious freedom.
  • True or False: John Smith is the founder of South Carolina
    False, he is the founder of Virginia
  • Who was the founder of New Hampshire?
  • What did New Netherlands/New Amsterdam become?
    New York
  • Who is the founder of North Carolina?
  • Who was Nathniel Bacon?
    He was a planter who asked the Governor for help with the Natives. The governor would not help because he was getting wealthy by getting tobacco from the Native
  • How was New Jersey established.
    New York was too big to govern so they took a piece and gave it to 2 people (Carteret and Berkeley) who are the founders of NJ
  • What were some products in the New England colonies?
    lumber, fish, furs, ships and livestock
  • What products can be found in Delaware and why?
    Fish because it is near the Delaware River
  • Who was Roger Williams?
    Founder of Rhode Island
  • Who settled New York?
  • Why was the colony of Georgia founded?
    It was a place for debtors to have a fresh start
  • Who is the founder of Georgia?
  • Where are the Quakers from?
  • King Charles II is the founder of this colony...
    South Carolina
  • What did the Puritan's do on their Sabbath?
    attend church
  • List the Middle Colonies.
    NY, NJ, PA, and DE
  • Name the Southern Colonies.
    Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia
  • How many founders did NJ have and Name them?
    2, Carteret and Berkeley
  • Describe the Quakers?
    They were not well liked becaus they wanted to treat everyone equal, not serve in the army etc.
  • Who was the founder of Massachusetts?
  • Lord Baltimore is the founder for this colony...
  • What did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut state?
    Men who were landowners and not church members could vote and it limits the government's power
  • This colony was established for Catholics to practice their religion freely.
  • Which colony did Thomas Hooker leave and why?
    Massachusetts because the governor had too much power
  • Name the New England Colonies.
    Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire