
Speed Zone:Super Fast Rockets

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  • Who designs the Rockets?
    A guy named Ted
    Peter Parker
  • What does the engine burn?
    Pumpkin Pie
  • How does a Rocket travel into space?
    In stages
    In one big leap
    All at once
  • Why do some Rockets have fins at the bottom?
    They think they are fish
    They help keep the Rocket steady
    To go farther into space
  • What is the force called that pushes Rocket up?
    Boom Energy
  • How long does it take the Rocket to go 34 miles?
    16 days
    1 week
    Just over 2 minutes
  • Where do Rocket take off from?
    Noah's back yard
    San Diego
  • 10...9....8....7... - is called the?
    Chicken Dance
    Astronaut Sing along
    Play time
  • What does thrust have to work/push against?
    Dinosaurs and people
    Gravity and drag
    Santa and the Elves
  • Why are rocket frames built with lightweight material
    Because they are on a diet
    Lighter Rockets need less power to gain speed
    Because the engineers are lazy
  • What happens to the stages that fall off?
    FLoat into space
    Drop in the Ocean or Burn in Atmosphere
    Fall on peoples heads
  • Why does each stage drop off from the Rocket?
    It was an accident
    It got tired
    To drop the wieght
    Because it's bored
  • Name a Speedy Rocket
    Atlas V, Space Launch System - Orion, Delta Iv Heavy - Parker
  • What pushes the Rocket up?
    The Grinch
    The hot gas pushed out by the engine
    The little people on the ground
    Santa's reindeer
  • How many stages do most Rocket have?
    Most have 3 but some up to 5
    Only 4
  • Does each stage have it's own engine?
  • When the Rocket engine burns fuel, it creates?
    Hot gas
    Cold gas
    Fart noises
  • Why are Rocket narrow/skinny?
    They look cooler that way
    It's Aerodynamic and reduces drag
    Elon musk want them that way
  • Where do rocket blast of to?
    To Rocket playground
    To Outer Space
    To Disneyland