
Renaissance Unit Test Review

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  • 16. Someone who breaks the Catholic Church's rules and goes against its teachings is called a ____________.
  • 18. Name one of of Leonardo Da Vinci's inventions.
    Tank, robot, machine gun, helicopter...
  • 22. What is one feature of MEDIEVAL art?
    Flat, 2D, Ugly babies, Religious...
  • 13. The ability to read and write is called _______________.
  • 2. True or False: Michelangelo wanted to paint the Sistine Chapel
  • 29. How did science change during the Scientific Revolution?
    People asked critical questions and did experiments.
  • 17. What part of the Sistine Chapel did Michelangelo paint?
  • 31. Why was Martin Luther upset with the Catholic Church?
    The church was selling indulgences (fake tickets to heaven) to poor people.
  • 14. Someone who believes in the power and freedom of the individual is called a ____________.
  • 9.  A pus-filled, black, egg-sized lump is called a _____________.
  • 21. What is one feature of RENAISSANCE art?
    Perspective, 3D, Realistic...
  • 8. The word _______ means to make changes to something in order to improve it.
  • 11. A ____________ is a wealthy person who pays for art.
  • 28. What important change happened in Europe because of the invention of the printing press?
    Information and ideas spread faster and to more people.
  • 4. True or False: The Printing Press contributed to the Protestant Reformation.
  • 12. An artistic technique that makes paintings look 3D and realistic is called _____________.
  • 10. The __________ was a rebirth or art and science in European society.
  • 25. What is this thing? Who made and used it?
    Telescope. Galileo.
  • 19. What animal is responsible for spreading the plague in Europe?
  • 23.  What is this painting called and who made it?
    The Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci
  • 27. What is it called when you test an idea scientifically?
  • 24. What is this statue called and who made it?
    David by Michelangelo
  • 30. Who was unhappy with Galileo's scientific findings?
    The Catholic Church
  • 3. True or False: Martin Luther was NOT satisfied with the Catholic Church
  • 7.  A ticket to heaven is called an _______________.
  • 20. What did the Spanish Inquisition do to people in order to get them to confess for their "crimes"?
  • 5. True or False: Galileo agreed with Aristotle's ideas.
  • 6. A _________ is a person who protested against the Catholic Church.
  • 26. What did Medieval people blame the Black Plague on?
    Breathing in air that smelled bad would make you sick.
  • 15. A belief in magic or the supernatural is called a ______________. Hint: One of the reasons why science didn't happen in the Middle Ages.
  • 1.  True or False: Dead bodies that were catapulted into cities spread the plague.
  • 32. How did Michelangelo get back at the Pope for making him paint the Sistine Chapel?
    He painted angels giving the Pope "the fig."