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  • Gaston is / has got strong
    Gaston is strong
  • order: hasn't straight got hair Merida
    Merida hasn't got straight hair
  • has he got a beard?
    no, he hasn't
  • has she got straight hair?
    no, she hasn't
  • Tiana has got / hasn't got curly hair
    Tiana has got curly hair
  • Describe Mr Incredible
    student's answer
  • She is / has got glasses
    she has got glasses
  • Has Meg got a ponytail?
    yes, she has
  • describe Dash
    student's answer
  • Carl is / isn't young
    Carl isn't young
  • order: got Rapunzel has hair wavy blond
    Rapunzel has got wavy blond hair
  • Describe Miss Incredible
    student's answer
  • Pocahontas has got / hasn't got straight hair
    Pocahontas has got straight hair
  • Describe Jack Jack
    student's answer
  • order: a got ponytail has Meg
    Meg has got a ponytail
  • order: has a got moustache he
    he has got a moustache
  • has belle got a moustache?
    yes, she has
  • He is / isn't tall
    he is tall
  • is the second boy tall?
    no, he isn't
  • is Hercules strong?
    yes, he is
  • order: is boy the short
    the boy is short
  • Describe Violet
    student's answer
  • Mulan has got / hasn't got wavy hair
    Mulan hasn't got wavy hair
  • zeus has got / is a beard
    Zeus has got a beard
  • Describe Edna
    Student's answer
  • order: isn't Mcgucket young
    McGucket isn't young