
Skeletal System

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  • What is Calcium needed for?
    Heartbeat, muscle contraction, and blood clotting
  • A condition/disease in which the bones become abnormally soft due to a deficiency of calcium and phosphorus in the blood is known as
  • When bones become porous this condition happens:
  • Each end of a long bone is known as a(n)
  • Difference between a closed fracture and an open fracture?
    When there is a break in the bone but no open wound in the Skin it is called: Closed Fracture
  • Chronic, systemic, inflammatory disease that affects multiple joints of the body
  • The first seven pairs of ribs, that articulate with the sternum, are known as the
    True Ribs
  • Kyphosis
    When there is an outward curvature of the Spine
  • Attaches muscle to bone
  • Calcaneous
    Heel Bone
  • The process of blood cell formation
  • What are 4 major functions of the Skeletal System?
    Support, Protection, Movement, Reservoir
  • What is Rickets?
    Osteomalacia in children
  • Phalanges
    Finger and Toe bones
  • Medical Term name used for breastbone
  • If the body suffers large amounts of blood loss, it can convert:
    Yellow Marrow into Red Marrow to make more Blood Cells
  • The spaces between the ribs are called
    intercostal space
  • Attaches muscle to muscle
  • What is the term for bone formation and when does it occur?
    Ossification occurs in fetal development
  • Abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe
  • What are two types of tissue found in bone?
    Spongy and Compact
  • Smallest Bones of the body? Where are they located?
    Incus Malleus Stapes - The Ear ?
  • Cystic tumor developing on a tendon
    ganglion cyst
  • A local or generalized infection of the bone and bone marrow:
  • Zygomatic
    Cheek bone
  • Narrowing of the vertebral canal, nerve root canals, or intervertebral foramina, causing pressure on nerve roots it is called:
    Spinal stenosis
  • The process of bone formation is called
  • Mature bone cells are called
  • Surgical puncture of a joint with a needle for the purpose of withdrawing fluid for analysis
  • What does the Skeletal System consists of:
    Bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons
  • Carpal refers to
    The bones in the wrist
  • The term Hematopoiesis and where does it occur?
    Blood Cell Formation and it occurs in the red bone marrow 
  • The membrane surrounding the bones is the
  • What are Bone forming cells that actively produce bone tissue?
  • Lordosis
    inward curvature of the Spine