
OW3 Unit 5 Grammar 2

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  • Unscramble the sentence: venom/ kill/ Snakes/ use/ their/ to/ the prey.
    Snakes use their venom to kill the prey.
  • Unscramble the sentence: stay/ mud/ cool./ Hippos/ use/ to
    Hippos use mud to stay cool.
  • We use " to verb" to show _____________.
    the contrast
    the purpose
    the things
    the similarity
  • its / / Godzilla / defeat / atomic / uses / enemies. / its / to / breath
    Godzilla uses its atomic breath to defeat its enemies.
    Godzilla uses its breath to defeat its enemies atomic.
    Godzilla uses its atomic defeat to breath its enemies.
    Godzilla its uses atomic breath to defeat its enemies.
  • What does a antelope use to fight other goats?
    Their horns
  • What does a peacock use to attract the peahen?
    The peacock use its beautiful feathers to attract the peahen.
  • How can chameleons hide themselves?
    Chameleons use their skin to hide themselves.
  • "Tigers use their paws to fighting their enemies." What is the mistake in the sentence?
    to fighting
  • How can a zebra hide from lions, leopards and other predators?
    Zebras use their black and white stripes to hide from predators.
  • Unscramble the sentence: hide/ in the snow./ Arctic animals/ to/ use/ fur/ their/white
    Arctic animals use their white fur to hide in the snow.
  • What body part do we use to taste the food?
    We use our tongue to taste the food.