
Ch 8- Weather

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  • Isotherms are lines on a map joining places that have the same ______
  • An air mass that forms over land and is cold is called
    Continental polar
  • When a warm air mass and cold air mass meet and neither can move the other it is called
    a stationary front
  • An air mass that forms over water and is cold is called
    maritime polar
  • How do you know which direction a front is moving?
    It is according to which direction the triangle or semicircle is pointing
  • Why would you be concerned about a tornado in a thunderstorm?
    Because they both develop from the same type of clouds- cumulonimbus
  • When two cold air masses cut off a warm front from the ground this is called
    An occluded front
  • An air mass that is warm and forms over land is called
    continental tropical
  • Cyclones bring what type of weather?
    thunderstorms- lots of precipitation
  • Rain, snow, and other forms of precipitaion are usually associated with which type of pressure?
  • What happens when a warm front and cold front meet?
    The warm air rises above the cold, water vapor cools, condenses, and precipitation is formed
  • What are some things to avoid being near during a thunderstorm when outside?
    large bodies of water, any items that are conductors such as flag poles, trees
  • What is the unit for air pressure and seen on maps with isobar lines?
  • Which part of the water cycle is water vapor entering the atmosphere?
  • If you are outside in a tornado where should you go?
    Lie flat in a ditch
  • Which part of the water cycle is when water returns to earth?
  • What is the purpose of the isobar and isotherm lines on a weather map?
    To show locations that have the same air pressure or temperature
  • What type of weather is associated with a warm front?
    several days of light precipitation
  • Whn a warm air mass moves in and takes over a cold air mass this is called a
    warm front
  • Which part of the water cycle is water changing to water vapor?
  • An air mass that is warm and forms over water is called
    maritime tropical
  • After a warm front passes, what kind of weather can you expect?
    warmer and humid-probably with clouds
  • Anticyclones are made up of what kind of pressure and rotate which direction?
    high pressure and clockwise in the northern hemisphere
  • Name the fronts in order from top to bottom
    cold, warm, stationary, occluded
  • Air masses are huge bodies of air that have similar _____, ______, and ______ at any given height
    temperature, humidity, and air pressure
  • What two conditions are required for clouds to form?
    Cooling of the air and presence of particles
  • After a cold front passes, what kind of weather can you expect?
    cool temps and clear skies
  • What type of weather is associated with cold fronts
    severe thunderstorms are possible
  • Cyclones are made up of what kind of pressure and rotate in which direction?
    low pressure and counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere
  • What is the safest thing to do if a hurricane is approaching?
  • Isobars are lines on a map that join places that have the same _____
    air pressure