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  • There have been rumours that he has been PRODIGAL WITH company funds/ Growing up, he benefited from the PRODIGAL arts funding in France (FML)=> PRODIGALITY
    Spendin o usin large amounts f money, time, energy, etc,esp in a way tht is nt very wise/ Very great in amount o degree
  • (PRODUCTION) if ST is done RIGHT FIRST TIME, it is done perfectly every time, & no time & money is wasted correcting errors caused by doing it too fast o wo controlling quality
    Our aim is to provide a RIGHT-FIRST-TIME service to all of our customers. (Done perfectly the first time)
  • Such actions against LAW-ABIDING citizens will not be tolerated.
    Someone who is law-abiding obeys the law:
  • The HOUSEWARES department of a supermarket
    Equipment, tools, and machines used in a house, especially in the kitchen
  • I bought my coat direct from the factory AT WHOLESALE/ WHOLESALE (The activity of selling goods, usually in large amounts, to businesses which then sell them to the public)
    The price at which goods r sold t shops by the ppl who produce them, rather than the price which the customer usu pays in the shop
  • There isn't a CIVIC CENTER; there's nowhere for people to congregate or get married or have church events.
    a large building or group of buildings used for entertainment, social, and business events
  • The win earned them QUALIFICATION FOR the World Cup finals/ The doctor said I can leave hospital today, but with the QUALIFICATION that I have to come back every day to get the dressing changed.
    success in getting into a competition/ An extra piece of information that limits the effect of something that you say or write
  • The 60s BACKLASH AGAISNT bourgeois materialism, The BACKLASH AGAINST feminism
    a strong feeling among a group of people in reaction to a change or recent events in society or politics
  • We strolled along on the PROMENADE eating ice creams (IFML: PROM)=> PROMENADE (OLD-FASHIONED)
    A path for walking on, especially one built next to the sea=> Walk slowly along a road or path for pleasure
  • We had an argument about it and she got all FIRED UP/ The old plane was FIRING UP its engines. This system uses voice activation to FIRE UP its web browser.
    make someone become excited or angry/ Start a machine or computer program
  • An ITINERANT journalist/labourer/preacher=> ITINERANTS worked in the salt marshes and shrimp farms.
    Travelling frm one place t another, usu work fo a short period=> A person who travels from one place t another, usu work fo a short period
  • WHOLESALE prices, A WHOLESALE supplier/business We only sell WHOLESALE, not to the public/ WHOLESALE changes WHOLESALE destruction ( (ST bad o too extreme) complete o affectin a lot f things, ppl, places, etc)
    F o fo the sellin f goods in large amounts at low prices t shops & businesses, rather than the sellin f goods in shops t customers
  • There's been a SLUMP IN the demand for new cars/ An economic SLUMP. The airline industry is currently IN a SLUMP
    A fall in the price, value, sales, etc. of ST/ A period when an industry or the economy is in a bad state and there is a lot of unemployment
  • Is she paid a regular wage or is it ON/BY COMMISSION only?She gets a 15 percent COMMISSION ON every machine she sells/She's just got a COMMISSION TO paint Sir Ellis Pike's wife/(FML)The commission of the crime(The act of committing a crime)
    A payment t SB who sells goods tht is directly related t the amount sold, o a system tht uses such payments/ A request t do a special piece f work
  • TRIM the hedge, My hair needs TRIMMING/They're trying to TRIM their costs, so staff who leave are not being replaced/The edges of the jacket had been TRIMMED (Decorate ST by addin objects, pieces f material, etc tht make it look attractive)
    Make ST tidier o more level by cuttin a small amount off it/ Reduce the amount o size of ST
  • The tour operator will arrange transport and plan your ITINERARY.
    a detailed plan or route of a journey
  • Many of the shoes have a RETAIL PRICE of more than $100. Wages rose 2.1%, while RETAIL PRICES rose 3.6% >< Restaurants may charge as much as four times the WHOLESLAE price for wine.
    the price that customers pay for goods in stores (COMMERCE) >< The price that a store or business pays for goods that it will then sell to the public
  • a game where people are locked into a room and have to find a way to escape by finding clues (= signs or information that help you to find the answer to a problem or mystery) in it, and solving puzzles, or a special room where this is done
    An ESCAPE ROOM is a great thing to try with a bunch of friends or workmates.
  • I’m WIDE OPEN TO/FOR suggestions.
    likely to be influenced by something
  • I enjoyed the film, but felt the ending was a bit CONTRIVED. His excuse sounded a bit CONTRIVED
    Artificial & difficult t believe, Too obviously designed to produce a particular result, and therefore not seeming to happen naturally
  • He will be transferring to a new school for the next ACADEMIC YEAR. In the ACADEMIC YEAR 2019-2020, 140,000 students were enrolled at the college.
    the period of time each year when people attend school, college, or university, usually starting in September
  • (LAW) Lack of evidence meant that the Council could not PROCEED AGAINST Mr Naylor.
    start to take legal action against someone
  • The administration assembled the $50 billion emergency BAILOUT package to ease a financial crisis in Mexico/ (A loan o other financial support tht is given t a person, company,o country t help em when they r in financial difficulties)
    the act f helpin a person o org tht is in difficulty,usu by givin o givin o lendin money/ A BAILOUT package/plan (ECONOMICS, FINANCE)
  • The government's record will be subjected to/come under (close) SCRUTINY in the weeks before the election.
    the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information about it
  • He smiled his congratulations and left without another word=> The government began to SMILE ON small businesses when it realized that they were the key to economic growth (LITERARY)
    Express or say ST with a smile=> Feel positive about ST or SB, or to treat it, him, or her in a very positive way
  • DOWNTOWN Los Angeles, A DOWNTOWN address=> The hotel is situated two miles north of DOWNTOWN
    In or to the central part of a city
  • His choreography is described as "a HYBRID mix of mime and circus tricks"/ Researchers began developing HYBRID agricultural crops to maximize productivity.
    Combinin W different things/ Used to describe a plant or animal that has been produced from two different types of plant or animal
  • His lawyers have decided not to PROCEED WITH the case/ (FML)Passengers for Madrid should PROCEED TO gate 26 for boarding.
    Continue as planned/ Move forward or travel in a particular direction
  • The AUTOMOBILE industry
    a car (OLD-FASHIONED)
  • I was elected to CARRY OUT a program, the governor said, and I have every intention of carrying it out.
    Perform or complete a job or activity; to fulfill
  • Rioters hurled rocks and bottles in CLASHES with police at the weekend/ A CLASH of opinions/loyalties/personalities
    a fight or argument between ppl/ A situation in which people's opinions or qualities are very different from and opposed to each other
  • The price includes flight, hotel and all TRANSFERS/.../ The kids bought TRANSFERS and ironed them onto their T-shirts (A picture o pattern tht cn b attached t a surface by pressin it against the surface & then rubbin o heatin it)
    Transport provided btw 2 places,eg btw an airport & hotel/A ticket tht allows a passenger t change routes o t change fm one bus o train t another/
  • an AUSTERE childhood during the war/ The courtroom was a large, dark chamber, an AUSTERE place/ He was a tall, AUSTERE, forbidding figure (Very severe & unfriendly in manner)=> AUSTERITY
    Very simple,w only the things tht r absolutely necessary,esp bc f severe limits on money o goods/ Plain & wo decoration o unnecessary details/
  • The newspaper COMMISSIONED a series of articles on the worst excesses of the fashion industry/ Grandfather was COMMISSIONED AS Group Captain in the RAF just before the war. (MILITARY)
    Formally choose SB t do a special piece f work,o formally ask fo a special piece f work frm SB/Give SB the official authority t b an officer in the armed forces
  • SLUMP is sweetened fruit topped with dollops of dough and cooked on the stovetop. A recipe for a peach SLUMP
    A dish consisting of cooked fruit with a thick bread-like mixture on top, cooked in a flat saucepan on top of the cooker
  • By taking this action, we are SENDING A MESSAGE that bullying will not be tolerated.
    Make SB understand that a particular thing is right or true, or to make SB understand what your attitude is
  • You can REGULATE the temperature in the house by adjusting the thermostat/ A computer system REGULATES production/ As a diabetic, she REGULATES her sugar intake carefully.
    Control ST, esp by makin it work in a particular way/ Control an activity or process by rules o a system/ Adjust ST to a desired level or standard
  • LAY DOWN your weapons and surrender/ The coach LAID DOWN the rules from the first day of practice.
    put away or stop using something/ State something plainly esp. as an official rule
  • His compositions were influenced by the great tradition of MUSIC-MAKING in that country.
    the playing or writing of music
  • He's in a bad mood today - I'm just KEEPING MY HEAD DOWN
    avoid trouble
  • Students CLASHED WITH police after demonstrations at five universities. The government and the opposition parties have CLASHED OVER the cuts in defence spending/ ..../
    Fight o argue/ If two people or teams clash in a sports competition or race, they compete seriously against each other.
  • HYBRID teaching combines traditional in-class teaching with online teaching. A HYBRID parliament was introduced, with a few MPs present but most contributing to debates remotely.
    Used to describe a way of working that involves sometimes being physically present and sometimes working at a distance using the internet
  • The prime minister met many CIVIC leaders, including the mayor and the leaders of the immigrant communities. She felt it was her CIVIC duty (= her duty as a person living in the town) to tell the police.
    of a town or city or the people who live in it
  • You'll never get a good job if you don't have any QUALIFICATIONS/ (An ability, characteristic,o exp tht makes u suitable fo a particular job o activity)
    an official record showin tht u hv finished a trainin course o hv the necessary skills,etc/ Some nursing experience is a necessary QUALIFICATION FOR this job.
  • The company needs to TRIM THE FAT to make itself attractive to corporate investors. The article advises on how to TRIM THE FAT from your grocery bill. (FINANCE)
    Reduce unnecessary spending (IFML) (FINANCE)
  • We have witnessed the most appalling scenes of human MISERY. Ten years of marriage to him have made her life a MISERY
    great unhappiness
  • A COMMISSION ON alcohol abuse/racial tension/ COMMISSION (MILITARY)(The official authority to be an officer in the armed forces)
    A group f ppl who hv been formally chosen t discover info bout a problem o examine the reasons why the problem exists
  • Fever accompanied by DELIRIUM/ I've never seen such DELIRIUM at a football game before.
    A state of being unable to think or speak clearly because of fever or mental confusion/ A state of extreme excitement or happiness
  • This applies to workers in REGULATED INDUSTRIES, such as teaching or financial services. The nuclear industry is the most highly REGULATED INDUSTRY in the world.
    A type of business that is controlled by government rules (GOVERNMENT, LAW)
  • When she started borrowing my clothes without asking, I had to PUT MY FOOT DOWN
    use your authority to stop something happening
  • The job is open to applicants with over two years' experience IN RETAIL=> (ADV) It's much cheaper to buy wholesale than RETAIL. The restaurant had very good ice cream - it was even sold RETAIL for a while.
    The activity of selling goods to the public, usu in shops=> Sold in shops, on the internet, etc.
  • The hotel was a real HOME AWAY FROM HOME (US)
    a place where you feel as comfortable as you do in your own home
  • The PRODIGALS among them will always be more numerous than the misers/ They greeted him with the warmth of a returning PRODIGAL (FML)
    SB who spends o uses large amounts f money,time,energy,etc,esp in a way tht is nt very wise/SB who returns t a place,orga, team, etc.after previously leavin it
  • A restaurant/sleeping CAR/ A railroad CAR/ Hundreds of refugees were herded into cattle CARS for the gruelling ten-hour journey.
    A part f a train used fo a special purpose/Any f the separate parts f a train in which the passengers sit/A part f a train tht is used fo carrying goods o anima
  • The PRODIGAL SON has returned to the team after a three-year absence.
    a man or boy who has left his family in order to do something that the family disapprove of and has now returned home feeling sorry for what he has done
  • He KNOWS the system INSIDE OUT (IFML)
    know everything about a subject
  • I asked the hairdresser for a TRIM. Just give the ends a TRIM, please/ The car has a plush interior with full leather TRIM(The decorative features f a vehicle, EG the type & color f the material tht is used t cover the seats)
    An act f makin ST, esp SB's hair, tidier o more level by cuttin a small amount off it/ the decorative features f a vehicle, EG the type & color f the material t
    Police station OR Fire station
  • After a year he TRANSFERRED TO University College, Dublin/ She TRANSFERRED the house TO her daughter before she died.
    Change t a different job, team, place f work, etc.,o t make SB do this/ Make ST the legal property f another person
  • We spent the weekend GROUTING the bathroom=> GROUT (N)
    Put a thin line f mortar in the spaces btw tiles=> MORTAR used for grouting
  • You're looking very TRIM - have you lost weight?/ TRIM lawns and neat flower beds
    Thin in an attractive and healthy way/ Tidy and well ordered
  • They FIRED OFF several shots to frighten us/ He FIRED OFF an angry letter to the editor.
    Fire a shot fm a gun/ Write & send an angry letter t SB (IFML)
    a film, play, etc. that looks at the funny side of things that we usually consider to be very serious, like death and illness
  • A HYBRID car could save you hundreds of pounds at the petrol pump
    Describe a vehicle w an engine tht uses both petrol & another type of energy, usu electricity
  • Couldn't you CONTRIVE a meeting between them? I think they'd really like each other/ Do you think you could CONTRIVE something for hanging my clothes on until I can get a wardrobe?
    Arrange a situation or event, o arrange fo ST t happen, usin clever plannin/ Invent &/o make a device or other object in a clever and possibly unusual way
  • She TRANSFERRED her gun from its shoulder holster to her handbag/ I'll be upstairs, so could you TRANSFER my phone calls up there, please?
    Move SB o ST fm one place, vehicle, person,o group t another/ Arrange fo SB t answer phone calls received on one telephone on another telephone
  • DRASTIC measures, Many employees have had to take DRASTIC cuts in pay=> Our lives changed DRASTICALLY when dad died and we had to move.
    (especially of actions) severe and sudden or having very noticeable effects
  • There has been a SIGNIFICANT increase in the number of women students in recent years/ Do you think it's SIGNIFICANT that he hasn't replied to my letter yet?/ Marriage is a SIGNIFICANT commitment=> SIGNIFICANCE
    Important or noticeable/ Having a special meaning/ Important, large, or great, esp. in leading to a different result or to an important change
  • "I've forgotten my keys again." "SURPRISE, SURPRISE!", I asked him if he wanted to come to dinner, and SURPRISE, SURPRISE, he said yes!
    Said when SB has done ST o when ST has happened in a way tht u expected & tht u do not approve f
  • If the evidence stands, the case will PROCEED TO trial=> She sat down and PROCEEDED TO tell me about her skiing holiday.
    Move forward to the next stage=> Do ST after you have done ST else
  • A youth club has BITTEN BACK AT vandals by covering its roof with razor-sharp security wire.
    React angrily, especially to someone who has done something unpleasant to you
  • The government has imposed harsh economic AUSTERITY MEASURES to contain the crisis. AUSTERITY MEASURES announced today include a €5 bn cut to the welfare budget. (ECONOMICS, GOVERNMENT)
    official action by a government to reduce the amount of money it spends, or the amount of money that people in a country spend
  • Is there something you're CONCEALING FROM me?=> The CONCEALMENT of evidence/facts/weapons
    Prevent ST fm being seen o known bout
  • We DROPPED our luggage OFF at the hotel and went sightseeing.
    take someone or something to a particular place, usually by car, as you travel to a different place
  • RECORDER/ RECORDER (A cassette recorder , a tape recorder or a video recorder)
    a musical instrument consisting of a wooden or plastic tube that you blow down while covering holes with your fingers
  • He travelled around Europe LABORING to pay his way/ He LABORED up the hill with his heavy load.
    Do hard physical work/ Do ST slowly with great physical or mental effort
  • They claim that the new drug NORMALIZES blood pressure/ Research psychologists NORMALIZE the results of their studies by comparing their subjects' behaviour with that of the general public.
    Return t the normal o usual situation/ If u normalize info, u compare a small set of info w a set that represents normal values (SCIENCE)
  • I'll give you a brief OVERVIEW of what the job involves.
    A short description of something that provides general information about it, but no details
  • The value of property has SLUMPED/ She SLUMPED into the chair, exhausted
    (Prices, values, o sales) fall suddenly/ Sit o fall heavily & suddenly
  • Black's TRANSFER TO the Austin office came as a shock his colleagues/ He came to the team as a TRANSFER FROM Tottenham.
    the movement f ST o SB fm one place, position, etc.t another/ A player who has moved fm one sports team t another
  • She can't just come into this office and start LAYING DOWN THE LAW. Some parents talk things through with their kids instead of simply LAYING DOWN THE LAW (IFML)
    forcefully make known what you think should happen, tell people what they must do, without caring about their opinions
  • Are you IN TRIM for the run on Sunday? (IFML)
    Physically prepared and ready, or in good condition
  • I seem to see her LESS AND LESS
    Gradually less or smaller
  • On environmental spending, the president is a MISER=> A MISERLY person (Like o typical f a miser)/ The workers are paid a MISERLY $2 a day (A miserly amount is extremely small)=> MISERLINESS
    SB who has a great desire t possess money & hates t spend it, sometimes livin like a poor person bc f this
  • CLASH/ CLASH/ A CLASH of cymbals (A loud noise that sounds like metal hitting metal)
    a sports competition or race between two people or teams/the fact of colours or styles looking ugly or wrong together/../
  • He's been made GENERAL MANAGER for exploration and production projects. (HR, WORKPLACE)
    a person who is in charge of all or part of an organization or company
  • NATO
    North Atlantic Treaty Organization: an international military organization consisting of the US, Canada, and many European countries
  • Before photography, and later VIDEOGRAPHY, art provided the only visual record of history.
    the activity or job of using a video camera to film events, make films, etc.
  • A personality disorder(a mental condition affectin a person's relationships,& their idea f emselves & wht is around em)in which a person's mood often changes suddenly&they hv difficulty controllin their behavior o formin long relationship
  • Only in BODERLINE cases will pupils have an oral exam. She was a BORDERLINE candidate for the job=> The BORDERLINE between friendship and intimacy is often hard to define.
    Btw 2 different conditions,w the possibility f belongin t either one f em=> ST that separates two different qualities
  • He's always been a joker and can't resist playing tricks on people/ Some JOKERS keep setting off the fire alarm=> JOKER IN THE PACK (The person or thing that could change the situation in an unexpected way)=> JOKEY
    SB who likes tellin funny stories o doin stupid things in order t make ppl laugh/ A person who has done ST tht annoys u(IFML)=> FUNNY (IFML)
  • Most car manufacturers now offer HYBRIDS/ You can rent HYBRIDS, racers, or mountain bikes(A bicycle tht has a mixture f features f different specialized bicycles, so tht it works well in a range f conditions) (HYBRID BIKE)
    A vehicle w an engine tht uses both petrol & another type f energy, usu electricity
  • Local control is being USURPED by central government (FML)=>  There are still those who regard the move as an unconstitutional USURPATION of private property.
    take control of a position of power, especially without having the right to
  • I like red and orange together, though lots of people think they CLASH/ The saucepans CLASHED as he piled them into the sink.
    If colors or styles clash, they look ugly or wrong together/ Make a loud noise like metal hitting metal, o to cause ST to make this noise
  • The opposition party proposed an AUSTERITY BUDGET that included tax rises and spending cuts. (ECONOMICS, GOVERNMENT)
    a budget in which a government announces that they will spend less money or do things that will make people spend less money, for example, increase taxes
  • Congress has the power to REGULATE interstate commerce. The agency REGULATES the financial services industry. (GOVERNMENT, LAW)
    Check that the activities of a business or organization are legal and follow official rules or laws
  • The company makes and RETAILS moderately priced sportswear=> This laptop RETAILS AT/FOR £850.
    Sell goods to the public in shops, on the internet, etc=> Be sold at a particular price
    a statement in a contract that allows you to break all or part of the contract under particular conditions
  • (LDC) (ECONOMICS) Governments in LESS-DEVELOPED COUNTRIES realize that telecommunications access is one of the fastest engines of economic growth.
    a country that does not have a lot of industrial activity and where people have low incomes
  • She's MISERABLE living on her own/ MISERABLE weather/ The book was a MISERABLE failure.
    very unhappy/ Unpleasant & causin unhappiness/ Used to emphasize the low quality or value f ST
  • All those SUGARY snacks that kids eat/ It's that SUGARY smile of his that I can't stand!
    containing sugar/ Too good or kind or expressing feelings of love in a way that is not sincere