
A Sailor's Life

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  • Henry Hudson was never heard from again. Why?
    His crew set him adrift in Hudson Bay.
  • TRUE or FALSE. It was common to lose 50 percent of a crew to scurvy.
  • About how many calories did a sailor eat per day?
  • What caused carbon monoxide poisoning on ships?
    Not enough fresh air below deck.
  • Verrazzano was killed and eaten by ___________ in the Caribbean.
  • Hardtack was often infested with what animal?
    weevils or bugs
  • Ponce de Leon never discovered the _________ of YOUTH.
  • What did men sleep in while they were on the ships?
  • Typhoid Fever was caused by what? Name one thing.
    Rodents, Lice, or Foul Drinking Water
  • This explorer was killed in the Philippines.
  • What are 2 symptoms of SCURVY?
    rotten teeth, rotted gums, open sores, or mental breakdowns.
  • Ships covered about ____ miles a day.
  • What was the youngest age that some boys started working on ships?
    7 or 8
  • TRUE or FALSE. Sailors had no fruit or vegetables to eat.
  • What did sailors think provided them protection from the wind and rain? Name 1.
    Dirt or Grease
  • Some men were "impressed" into service on a ship. What does this mean?
    They were forced to work on a ship.
  • What was the minimum age for sailors?
  • What causes SCURVY?
    A vitamin deficiency
  • Scurvy was often nicknamed "Scurge of the ______"
  • How were mutineers punished?
    They were put to death.
  • Seamen on Columbus's journeys made less than $____ a month.
  • What is a flogging?
    When someone is repeatedly whipped