
Review Grade 5

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  • I/ use/ walk/ through the forest when I was younger.
    I used to walk through the forest when I was younger.
  • What is this?
    This is a lake.
  • What is the cat doing?
    The cat is jumping onto the sofa.
  • Grandpa / use/ have/ a pet frog.
    Grandpa used to have a pet frog.
  • don't / the children / Please / to / from school. / pick up / forget
    Please don't forget to pick up the children from school.
  • My friends and I/ decide/ jump/ into the swimming pool yesterday.
    My friends and I decided to jump into the swimming pool yesterday.
  • What is this?
    This is a village.
  • Yesterday afternoon I wanted (go) to the swimming pool.
    Yesterday afternoon I wanted to go to the swimming pool.
  • What is this?
    This is a volcano.
  • She/ decide/ walk/ through a forest/ last week.
    She decided to walk through a forest last week.
  • What is the boy doing?
    The boy is jumping out of the window.
  • The childred/ decide/ play a game so they ran round the chairs.
    The children decided to play a game so they ran round the chairs.
  • What is the woman doing?
    The woman is walking across the street.
  • What is this?
    This is a forest.
  • What is the squirrel doing?
    The squirrel is running down the tree.
  • need / my homework. / This week, / do / to / I
    This week, I need to do my homework.
  • want / This week, / I / my grandma. / visit / to
    This week, I want to visit my grandma.
  • You forgot (do) your homework!
    You forgot to do your homework!
  • My family/ decide/ have/ a picnic by the beach.
    My family decided to have a picnic by the beach.
  • He/ learn/ jump off/ rock/ when he/ 6 years old.
    He learnt to jump off a rock when he was 6 years old.
  • What is this?
    This is a river.
  • What is the boy doing?
    The boy is jumping off the bed.
  • What is this?
    This is a town.
  • What is the man doing?
    The man is jumping over the fence.
  • What is this?
    This is the countryside.
  • What is this?
    This is an island.
  • What is this?
    This is a waterfall.
  • What is the dog doing?
    The dog is jumping into a swimming pool.
  • I/ need/ wear/ a beautiful dress to the dance last night.
    I needed to wear a beautiful dress to the dance last night.
  • What is the man doing?
    The man is walking uphill.
  • Where are the children running?
    The children are running round the chairs.
  • What is this?
    This is a hill.
  • I/ want/ swim/ across the ocean to a quiet island/ last year.
    I wanted to swim across the ocean to a quiet island last year.
  • What is the woman doing?
    The woman is walking through the door.
  • The squirrel/ want/ run down the tree/ this morning.
    The squirrel wanted to run down the tree this morning.