
Religion Chapter 8

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  • Canaan is now known as the country of ______.
  • What did God do with Moses on Mount Sinai?
    He made a special agreement with Moses.
  • Who did God choose to lead the people out of Egypt?
  • God's chosen people were called the _______.
  • Who was Abraham's wife?
  • We read the history of God's people in the time _________ the birth of Jesus.
  • In the ___________ we learn about the relationship between God and his people.
    Old Testament
  • In the desert between Egypt and Canaan, the Israelites came to a mountain called ________.
    Mount Sinai
  • In the time of the Old Testament God's chosen people in the land of _____.
  • What are the basic rights that all people have?
    Human Rights
  • God gave us the _______________ so we can know how to live a life of love.
    Ten Commandments
  • What forced God's people to leave Canaan? `
    a great famine
  • What are the laws of God's covenant given to Moses on Mount Sinai?
    Ten Commandments
  • Who was a descendant of Abraham and Sarah?
  • God called _______ to be the father of his people.
  • What is a special agreement between God and his people?
  • What is a famine?
    an extreme lack of food?