
Relaxation Strategies

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  • What's a good thing to think when you are having a strong emotion?
    Think about others before I act, etc
  • Your choice: Choose any relaxation strategy
  • Blow out the candle breathing.
  • Your choice: Choose any relaxation strategy
  • Squeezing Lemons
  • Bear Hug
  • Your choice: Choose any relaxation strategy
  • Count to 10 slowly.
  • Your choice! Choose any relaxation strategy
  • Balloon breathing
    Great job
  • What's a good thing to think if I am having a strong emotion?
    Feelings don't have to control me, etc
  • Do the turtle.
  • What is a good thing to think when I have a strong emotion.
    I can ask for help.
  • What is a good thing to think when I have a strong emotion.
    Think about the right or good thing to do, not just about how I feel.
  • What is a good thing to think when I have a strong emotion.
    Remember the relaxation I practiced, etc.
  • Your choice: Choose any relaxation strategy