
Music of the Renaissance

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  • The Catholic Counter-Reformation created what 2 types of music
    Motet, Mass
  • What type of music did composer get more interested in during the Renaissance?
    Instrumental music
  • Name an important Counter-Reformation composer
    Giovanni Pierluigi de Palestrina, Orlando di Lasso, Cristóbal Morales, Tomás Luis de Victoria
  • What did the masters of dance do?
    established the rules and steps by teaching courtiers and writing manuals with choreography and music
  • What music continued to be banned from the Church?
    instrumental music
  • The 3 main typical Spanish song forms were what?
    Romance, Villancico and Ensalada
  • what is mass?
    A compound musical form that put together all the pieces of liturgy
  • What is a motet?
    important form of Catholic religious polyphony
  • the two different dance genres created during this time were?
    social dance and dance theatre
  • What genre of dance gave birth to today's ballet?
    Dance Theatre
  • True or False: Renaissance instrumental forms often borrowed melodies from vocal music
  • What are the three branches of Christianity during this time?
    Protestant, Anglican, Catholic
  • Which dance was processional with a slow binary rhythm consisting of three parts, repeated twice?
    The Pavane
  • What is a "cantus firmus"
    a melody that served as a base for the composition upon which polyphony was built
  • Italian vocal form of four or five voices, with compound polyphonic texture that reflects sense and meaning using expressive elements known as madrigalisms
  • What instrument category would the flute belong to?
    Bas music
  • What was the type of dance that was lively?
    The Galliard
  • what was the name for dance danced by nobility?
    Courtly or ballroom dance
  • what type of instrumental forms do the Ricercare and Canzona belong to?
    adapted pieces from vocal works
  • What type of instrumental form does the composer start with a simple theme that is later repeated with different modifications?
    Pieces based on variation
  • What is Haut music?
    instruments with great sound power. groups intended for outdoor performances
  • French vocal form with polyphonic texture and instrumental accompaniment?
  • What are the 3 types of composition of instrumental music?
    Adapted pieces from vocal works, pieces based on improvisation, pieces based on variation
  • What new notation was created during this period that uses numbers, letters, or not values?
  • What is the protestant chorale?
    simple composition based on popular melodies written for four voices in homophonic texture
  • Who initiated the Protestant Reformation, breaking away from the Catholic Church
    Martin Luther in 1510
  • What were the two instrument categories during this time period?
    Haut music and Bas music
  • What was one of the favorite entertainments of nobility?
  • What is Spanish Romance music?
    a narrative strophic song about historic and legendary matters or about social events
  • what is Bas music?
    instruments of soft sound intensity for indoor performances
  • What instrumental form does the Fantasia and Toccata belong to?
    Pieces based on improvisation
  • The anthym belonged to which branch of christianity?
    The Anglican Church, started by Henry VIII of England
  • What was the first ballet in history?
    The ballet comique de la Reine
  • the secular vocal music based on polyphony that has a soprano,contralto, tenor, and bass is called what?
    Mixed Quartet