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  • The Consumer Protection Act imposes STRICT LIABILITY for a defective product on the producer. STRICT LIABILITY rules/policies (LAW)
    the legal responsibility of a company for damage or injury caused by its products or services, even though it did not intend to cause the damage or injury
  • (COMMERCE) More than 100 companies PRE-QUALIFIED to bid for the eight British Rail train operating companies.
    if a company pre-qualifies for particular work, it proves it has the ability, experience, etc. to do it and is allowed to compete for it
  • He ENDORSED the check and deposited it in his account.
    write ST so as t give permission fo ST, esp ur name on the back f a cheque, so as t make it payable (able t b paid) t SB else
  • 2 writers COLLABORATED ON the script for the film.A German company COLLABORATED WITH a Swiss firm. The British and Italian police COLLABORATED IN catching the terrorists/The Soviet government accused them of COLLABORATING WITH Nazis
    Work w SB else fo a special purpose/ Work w an enemy who has taken control f ur own country=> COLLABORATION
  • With some high-risk investments, you may lose some of your original STAKE MONEY money.
    an amount of money that you invest in something (FINANCE, STOCK MARKET)
    money that is used by a business to pay for taking customers or possible customers out to restaurants, bars, etc.
  • A RESPONSIVE audience. She wasn't RESPONSIVE TO questioning/ The disease has proved RESPONSIVE TO the new treatment.
    Saying o doing ST as a reaction t ST o SB, esp in a quick or positive way/ Able t b improved or cured by a treatment
  • If you tell him the truth, you RUN THE RISK OF hurting his feelings.
    Do ST although something bad might happen because of it
  • Just go to the hotel reception and MAKE YOURSELF KNOWN (to the receptionist).
    Tell someone who you are
  • There weren’t many vegetarian dishes AS SUCH, although there were several different kinds of cheese.
    Using the exact meaning of the word or phrase
  • Give her a call, or BETTER STILL go see her.
    even more satisfactory
  • Uncertainty again HANGS OVER the project.
    If a threat or doubt hangs over a place or a situation, it exists
  • Many of the refugees are suffering from severe MALNUTRITION.
    physical weakness and bad health caused by having too little food, or too little of the types of food necessary for good health
  • They hired an event planner to SEE TO all of the details of the party.
    (FML) Do ST that has to be done
  • She CLOSED HER EYES TO the fact that her son was stealing.
    ignore something bad and pretend it is not happening
  • She's UNCERTAIN WHETHER to go to New Zealand or not. Ariana was UNCERTAIN ABOUT meeting him/ These refugees face an UNCERTAIN future. The political outlook is still UNCERTAIN.=> They live in UNCERTAINTY and confusion.
    Nt knowing what t do o believe, o nt able t decide bout ST/ Not known o fixed, o nt completely certain
  • Henderson Island in the Pacific has more than 55 species of NATIVE flowering plants. The horse is not NATIVE TO America - it was introduced by the Spanish/ The Aborigines are the NATIVE inhabitants of Australia. The NATIVE population
    Refer t plants & animals that grow naturally in a place, & hv nt been brought there frm somewhere else/ Relating t the first ppl t live in an area
  • The students TESTED OUT their cost-cutting ideas in several companies.
    test something, especially a theory or an idea, to find out how it works in a practical situation or how people react to it
  • The presentation was a COLLABORATIVE effort by all the children in the class.
    involving two or more people working together for a special purpose
  • Perhaps we should COMMIT these ideas TO PAPER before we forget them.
    Write ST down
  • Some companies OUTSOURCE to cheaper locations to cut costs=> The candidate talks about working-class issues, particularly about jobs being OUTSOURCED overseas=> OUTSOURCING might be inevitable
    If a company outsources, it pays t hv part f its work done by another company=>Get work done by making a contract w another company t do it, often in another co
  • Unless your customers are young, a VIRAL MARKETING campaign targeting social networks may not earn a high return. In many ways hand-held technologies are the key to VIRAL MARKETING (also REFERRAL MARKETING); (VIRAL ADVERTISING)
    a marketing activity in which information about a product spreads between people, especially on the internet (MARKETING, INTERNET)
  • a person who is named in an insurance agreement , esp fo a type f insurance that will pay em money at the end f an agreed period, o the person who has the right t receive the money when the person named in the insurance agreement dies
  • We LOOKED ON her AS a daughter. I've lived there so long I LOOK ON the town AS my home.
    Consider or think of someone or something as something
  • The doctor gave him a REFERRAL TO (= arranged for him to see) the consultant.
    the act of directing someone to a different place or person for information, help, or action, often to a person or group with more knowledge or power
  • (HUMOROUS) If I eat any more I'm going to GO POP!
    to explode
  • GRANDIOSE schemes/designs/ideas for making money, GRANDIOSE buildings grandiose plans
    larger and containing more detail than necessary, or intended to seem important or great
  • a SOMBER atmosphere/voice/face/ He wore a SOMBER black suit=> SOMBERNESS
    serious, sad,& wo humor o entertainment/ Dark & plain
  • Doctors tried to ATTEND TO the worst injured soldiers first. I always have so many things to ATTEND TO when I come into the office after a trip abroad.
    help someone or deal with something
  • We want to BUILD a better future for our children=> The suspect was of slim BUILD with short, dark hair/ (The way a product suchas a vehicle o piece f equipment has been made, includin qualities suchas how strong it seems & how it looks)
    Create & develop ST over a long period f time=> The size & shape f a person's body/ This car impresses with good BUILD quality and a great chassis
  • The unions ASSURED the new owners OF the workers' loyalty to the company/You can REST ASSURED (= feel confident) that I shall be there as promised/ The play's popularity has been ASSURED by the critics' rave reviews.
    Tell SB confidently that ST is true, esp so that they do not worry/ Cause ST to be certain
  • The howling of wild animals kept him awake NIGHT AFTER NIGHT/ She stayed in NIGHT AFTER NIGHT, waiting for him to call.
    every night/ Every evening
  • The study said inward investment, increased trade, and new jobs would have boosted Britain's NATIONAL WEALTH by £12 billion.
    the total value of all of the money, investments, goods, and property held in a country at a particular time (ECONOMICS)
  • Local residents have MADE KNOWN their objections to the proposals. I MADE it KNOWN that I was not happy with the decision.
    Tell people about something so that it becomes publicly known
    Choose not to be in a position of responsibility in an organization or activity
  • He's been CMMITTED TO prison for fraud.
    (FML) Send SB officially t prison o hospital
  • INSERT the key IN/INTO the lock/ I've filled in the form, but you still need to INSERT your bank details and date of birth=> Software can automate the INSERTION of SGML codes in texts=> Newspaper advertising INSERTS
    put ST inside ST else/ Add writin t a text, form, etc=>...=> ST that is made to go inside or into ST else
    a house where someone can hide or shelter
  • Just BETWEEN YOU AND ME, I think she's lying.
    what I am about to say should be kept secret
  • The French CONTINGENT certainly made their presence known at this year's conference. A large CONTINGENT of voluntary soldiers=> Outdoor activities are, as ever, CONTINGENT ON the weather. Our success is CONTINGENT UPON your support. (FML)
    A group f ppl representing an org o country, o a part f a military force=> Depending on ST else in the future in order to happen
  • An ASSURED performance/ Now that the financing has been secured, the production of the film is ASSURED=> Farm-ASSURED meat, Quality-ASSURED processes/standards
    Showing skill & confidence/ Certain t b achieved o obtained=> Used in compound words to refer to products that meet certain quality standards
  • He CLOCKED ten seconds in the 100 metres (he ran it in ten seconds)/ The police CLOCKED him doing 80 mph in a 50 mph area/ Then the other guy turned round and CLOCKED him one (hit him).
    Take a particular time exactly t do o complete ST/ Show o reach a particular speed o distance on a measurin device/ Hit SB,esp on the head o face (IFML)
  • Exactly correct/ Refer t SB who follows the rules & principles f a belief o way f livin very carefully & exactly,o a belief o principle tht is followed very carefully & exactly=> In the most limited meaning f a word, phrase,etc
    A STRICT translation of the text/ His parents were STRICT Catholics=> This peasant economy should not be considered "subsistence" IN A/THE STRICT SENSE
  • She feels strongly that British BOARDROOMS desperately need diversity. Shareholders felt mistakes had been made at BOARDROOM level.
    A room where the ppl who control a company o org meet/ The group f ppl who manage a company o org (MANAGEMENT, WORKPLACE)
  • The stereotype is that men tend to be more AGGRESSIVE than women=> The company is AGGRESSIVELY pursuing new business opportunities.
    Behaving in an angry & violent way twards another person/ Determined t win o succeed & using forceful action t win o achieve success
  • I must say the OFFER of two weeks in Hawaii is very tempting/ Don't miss out on our latest OFFER.
    the act f askin SB if they would like t hv ST o if they would like u t do ST/ A reduction in the usual price f st,usu fo a short period
  • LUMINARIES of stage and screen (= famous actors) assembled for last night's awards ceremony.
    a person who is famous and important in a particular area of activity (FML)
  • Many of the children are UNDERNOURISHED and suffering from serious diseases=> Chronic UNDERNOURISHMENT, poor hygiene and the harsh weather threatened the lives of everyone.
    not eating enough food to continue to be in good health
  • I've put the list of players up on the BULLETIN BOARD
    A place on a computer system where users can read messages and add their own/ A board on a wall on which notices can be put
  • Don't MISS OUT ON the fantastic bargains in our summer sale. We didn't have a TV at home when I was young, and I felt as though I MISSED OUT
    fail to use an opportunity to enjoy or get an advantage from something
  • a Web BROWSER (IT)/ (A person who is lookin at goods fo sale in a store o on the internet but who may nt intend t buy anything) (COMMERCE)
    A computer program tht makes it possible fo u t read o see info on the internet/ We can show you strategies that will help you turn BROWSERS into buyers.
  • It also has a small gift shop and the central LOST-AND-FOUND facility for all four theme parks.
    a place in a public building where things that people have lost are stored
  • The CBI report casts a shadow over official SALES FIGURES. The fierce battle for market share may have boosted SALES FIGURES but it also dampened house prices. Announce/release/report SALES FIGURES
    The value o amount f the total sales f an industry's o company's products fo a particular period (ACCOUNTING, FINANCE, COMMERCE)
  • They're not a couple - I guess you'd describe them as FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS (IFML)
    a friend with whom you also have a sexual relationship
  • The operating system has a few problems, but a new BUILD is on the way/ On systems with very few processes available, this can cause errors during BUILD
    a version f a piece f software, a computer game, a website, etc/ The process f creatin a version f a piece f software, etc
  • She was OFFERED a job in Paris/ Dear Lord, we OFFER UP our prayers.../It says in the guide that this area OFFERS some of the best walks in England.
    Ask SB if they would like t hv ST o if they would like u t do ST/ Say a prayer o make a sacrifice t a god/ Provide o supply ST
  • They are covered by the same medical and liability insurance that covers them when they're ON THE CLOCK
    at work (IFML, WORKPLACE)
  • Joggers should wear REFLECTIVE clothing at night/ In my more REFLECTIVE moments, I write poetry. (FML)=> She smiled REFLECTIVELY. He rubbed his chin REFLECTIVELY.
    Able t send back light, hear, energy, o sound frm a surface/ Showing o involved in careful thinking; thoughtful
  • We should be COGNIZANT OF the fact that every complaint is not a justified complaint=> The lawyer asked the jury to TAKE COGNIZANCE OF the defendant's generosity in giving to charity. (LAW, FML)
    Understanding o realizing ST=> Take notice of and consider something, especially when judging
  • I don't want some SMART-ASS from the city telling me how to manage my farm. (US, OFFENSIVE)
    someone who is always trying to seem more intelligent than other people in a way that is annoying
  • CURTAIL your holiday/spending/ With all the snow, our daily walks have been severely CURTAILED=> They will not willingly accept any CURTAILMENT of their civil liberties.
    Stop ST before it is finished, o Reduce o limit ST
  • I was BROWSING THROUGH fashion magazines to find a new hairstyle/ BROWSE the Web/ Deer were BROWSING (ON grass) under the trees.((Of animals) feed on grass, leaves, etc. in a relaxed way)
    Look through a book o magazine wo readin everything,o t walk around a shop lookin at several things wo intendin t buy any f em/ Look at info on the internet
  • Management often TURN A BLIND EYE TO to bullying in the workplace.
    ignore something that you know is wrong
  • The dog was WORRYING AT its bone.
    shake, pull at, or touch something repeatedly
  • The news came as a CRUSHING blow. Their army had suffered a CRUSHING defeat.
  • It's OK, I GOT THIS. Go back to what you were doing. (US, IFML) (I'VE GOT THIS)
    used to tell someone that you can or will deal with something
  • The government has reduced the two-year QUALIFYING PERIOD for unfair dismissal claims to one year.
    the period of time, especially time spent in your job, before you have the right to receive something or do something (HR)
  • STRICTLY SPEAKING, Great Britain consists of Scotland, Wales, and England, and the United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
    being completely accurate
  • We FEASTED ON smoked salmon and champagne. (LITERARY)
    eat a lot of good food and enjoy it very much
  • He had promised a government RESPONSIVE TO the people/ The most effective IT function is one that is RESPONSIVE TO the needs of the business it serves=> RESPONSIVENESS=> RESPONSIVELY
    Quick to act, esp t meet the needs f SB o ST/ Reacting quickly & well t ST o SB
  • Being PREQUALIFIED means a lender tells you how much you can afford but doesn't commit to a loan (FINANCE)/
    If a bank pre-qualifies SB fo a loan, it calculates the largest amount that they'd b able t borrow based on income, etc/
  • The agents say they are OPEN TO OFFERS, but would expect the site to achieve a price in the region of $7 million.
    Willin t consider different amounts f money o other things tht ppl r offerin u
  • I'm a bit CONCERNED ABOUT/FOR your health/ Her job is something CONCERNED WITH computers=> Today's lesson is CONCERNED WITH punctuation=> "Are you sure you're all right?" she asked CONCERNEDLY.
    Worried/ Involved in ST o affected by it=> Be about a particular thing or person (BE CONCERNED WITH SB/ST)
  • (TAX) A medical/tax EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE. The Revenue should have discretion to grant EXEMPTION CERTIFICATES to building subcontractors where a company has become insolvent for bona fide reasons.
    An official document that gives someone special permission not to do or pay something
  • The thought of how much work she had to do DISCOURAGED her/ We tried to DISCOURAGE him FROM spending so much money. Higher taxes could DISCOURAGE business investment. (effect of making something less likely)=> DISCOURAGEMENT
    Make SB feel less confident, enthusiastic & positive bout ST o less willing t do ST/Try t prevent ST frm happening o SB frm doing ST, o hv the effect f making
  • She hopes to QUALIFY (AS a lawyer) at the end of the year/ Nigeria was the first team to QUALIFY FOR the World Cup.
    Successfully finish a training course so that u r able t do a job; hv o achieve the necessary skills, etc/ Succeed in getting into a competition
  • Why don’t you SOUND HER OUT before the meeting, to see which way she’s going to vote?
    discover informally what someone thinks or intends to do about a particular thing, so that you can be prepared or take suitable action
  • (CONTINUING) CONTINUED fighting in the city is causing great concern/ CONTINUED on page 7
    Still happening, existing, or done/ Often used at the bottom of a page to show that the story, article, etc. is not finished
  • They proposed the creation of a TECHNOLOGY PARK to attract hi-tech industries to the area
    an area where companies involved in new technology are based
  • You look well - the mountain air must AGREE WITH YOU/ I don't AGREE WITH hunting.
    If a situation or new conditions agree with you, they make you feel healthy and happy/ Think that ST is morally acceptable
  • She doesn't QUALIFY FOR maternity leave because she hasn't been in her job long enough/ I'd like to QUALIFY my criticisms of the school's failings, by adding that it's a very happy place.
    Hv the legal right t hv o do ST bc f the situation u r in, o cause SB t hv such a right/ Limit the strength o meaning f a statement
  • The rest of the time was OCCUPIED WITH writing a report/ On long journeys I OCCUPY MYSELF WITH solving maths puzzles/ Troops quickly OCCUPIED the city.
    fill, exist in, or use a place or period of time/ Keep SB busy o interested/ (F an army o group f ppl)move into & take control &/o possession f a place
  • The more AGGRESSIVE the cancer, the further and faster it spreads/ Brain cancer requires AGGRESSIVE treatment such as surgery.
    (MEDICAL) An aggressive disease is one that spreads quickly & has little chance f being cured/ Describe a very strong treatment fo a serious condition
  • Military/legal/computer JARGON
    special words and phrases that are used by particular groups of people, especially in their work
  • During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of WEALTH/ Jim has a WEALTH OF teaching experience.
    a large amount f money o valuable possessions that SB has/ A large amount
  • They have paintings of famed ships and naval battles in THE AGE OF SAIL by some of the greatest maritime painters.
    the period from around 1570 to around 1860 when ships with sails were used for travel, trade, and fighting in wars
  • They were asking €180,000 for the apartment, so I PUT IN AN OFFER OF €170,000. I've MADE AN OFFER ON a house in Pine Banks=> We were amazed at the range of products ON OFFER.
    Say officially tht u'd like t buy ST,esp a house,at a particular price=>Available t b bought o used
  • He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't COMMIT. COMMIT ADULTERY/MURDER/ The government must COMMIT ITSELF TO improving healthcare. Once we have COMMITED TO this course of action there is no going back.
    Do ST illegal o ST that is considered wrong/ Promise o give ur loyalty, time, o money t a particular principle, person, o plan f action
  • The house is attractive and has all the modern services one would expect from a new BUILD/ She lived with her parents during the BUILD/ (A gradual increase in excitement, emotion, etc in ST suchas a story o piece f music)
    A building tht has recently been built o is in the process f bein built/ The process f puttin up a new buildin/ The story needs a slow build
  • Small businesses have been EXEMPTED FROM the tax increase=> Goods EXEMPT FROM this tax include books and children's clothes. Pregnant women are EXEMPT FROM dental charges under the current health system=> EXEMPTION
    Excuse SB o ST frm a duty, payment, etc=> With special permission not to do or pay ST
    The first language that you learn/ A native ability o characteristic is one that a person o thing has naturally & is part f their basic character
  • The bay is SUBJECT TO heavy fog in summer. If the plants are growing well, they'll be less SUBJECT TO pests/ The agreement is still SUBJECT TO approval by the League's 30 teams and the players.
    Likely t experience o suffer frm ST/ If an action o event is subject t ST, it needs ST t happen before it cn take place
  • The act f buryin a body in a way tht causes little damage t the environment,EG by nt hvin the body embalmed (treated w special chemicals),& by usin a coffin made f natural materials,so tht the coffin & body cn decay naturally
    There are very few NATURAL BURIAL sites in this area. NATURAL BURIAL is more environmentally friendly than traditional burial or cremation. (GREEN BURIAL)
  • I know you can lose that weight! YOU GOT THIS (YOU'VE GOT THIS) (US) (IFML)
    used to tell someone that you believe they can or will succeed in dealing with something
  • These people are KNOWN criminals. There is no KNOWN reason for the accident. He is KNOWN TO the police because of his previous criminal record=> And this is Terry, otherwise KNOWN AS "Muscleman".
    Refer t ST o SB that is familiar t o understood by ppl=> If SB or ST is known as a particular name, that person or thing is called by that name
  • Register online for printable coupons, promotional codes and other FREE OFFERS from your favourite brands. (MARKETING)
    a free product or service that a company offers to its customers in order to get more business
  • The Council is expected to ENDORSE the committee's recommendations. formal I fully ENDORSE (= agree with) everything the Chairperson has said (FML)/ They paid $2 million to the world champion to ENDORSE their new aftershave=> ENDORSEMENT
    Make a public statement f ur approval o support fo st o SB/ Appear in an advertisement, saying that u use & like a particular product
  • "Thank you so much for that." "I'm glad to have BEEN OF SERVICE."
    help someone (BE OF SERVICE TO SB)
  • A ROUND TRIP from Rome to London will cost you €450. A ROUND TRIP ticket/fare=> I’d like a ROUND-TRIP ticket to Baltimore, please.
    If u make a round trip, u go on a journey & return t where u started frm
  • AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED, feng shui doesn't work/ AS FAR AS unemployment's CONCERNED, a change of policy on job creation would be a good idea.
    In a particular person's opinion (AS FAR AS SB IS CONCERNED)/ If we r discussing o thinking bout a particular thing (AS FAR AS STH IS CONCERNED)