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  • BEEN vs. GONE - A) Where is Sally? B) She'll soon be here. She has ______ to Los Angeles but she came back yesterday.
    She has been to Los Angeles but she came back yesterday.
  • Translate it into English - ''Eu não fui para a escola ontem.''
    I didn't go to school yesterday.
  • What's the past simple of ''DO''?
  • PRESENT PERFECT - They ____________ to Italy twice. (BE - affirmative)
    They have been to Italy twice.
  • PRESENT PERFECT - I _____________ soccer. (PLAY - affirmative)
    I have played soccer.
  • Translate it into English - ''Eu fui para Florianópolis sábado passado.''
    I went to Florianópolis last Saturday.
  • Make a question using "EVER'' / PRESENT PERFECT (see - a French movie)
    Have you ever seen a French movie?
  • EVER or NEVER? - We have ______ been here before.
    We have never been here before.
  • ALREADY or YET? - They haven't finished it ___________.
    They haven't finished it yet.
  • PRESENT PERFECT - I _____________ bread for days. (HAVE - negative)
    I haven't had bread for days.
  • How can I say ''reservar um vôo" in English?
  • SIMPLE PAST - She ______ to Italy yesterday. (GO - affirmative)
    She went to Italy yesterday.
  • What's the past participle of ''SEE''?
  • How can I say ''estar com sede'' in English?
    ''GET THIRSTY'' - e.g. When I run I get thirsty.
  • SIMPLE PAST - He _________ to his mother's house. (GO - negative)
    He didn't go to his mother's house.
  • What's the past participle of ''WRITE''?
  • How can I say ''vestir-se'' in English?
    ''GET DRESSED'' - e.g. I get dressed in 10 minutes.
  • PRESENT PERFECT - She ____________ her homework. (DO - negative)
    She hasn't done her homework.
  • How can I say ''trocar dinheiro'' in English? (no sentido de fazer intercâmbio)
  • PRESENT PERFECT - I ___________ this film once. (SEE - affirmative)
    I have seen this film once.
  • What's the past participle of ''DO''?
  • BEEN vs. GONE - A) Where is Sally? B) She's not here. She has _______ to New York on holiday.
    She has gone to New York on holiday.
  • ALREADY or YET? - I've ________ finished my homework.
    I've already finished my homework.
  • PRESENT PERFECT - Jim __________ his car. (SELL - affirmative)
    Jim has sold his car.