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  • The farmer offered us food IN RETURN FOR our work
    as an exchange for something
  • THE CREAM OF this year's graduates have gone abroad for jobs. These artists are the best of our students - THE CREAM OF the crop.
    The best of a particular group of things or people
  • Food and fuel prices are very VOLATILE in a war situation/ He had a VOLATILE temper and couldn't have been easy to live with/ The substance is highly VOLATILE (A volatile liquid o solid substance will change easily into a gas)=> VOLATILITY
    Likely t change suddenly&unexpectedly,esp by gettin worse/ Likely t change emotional state very suddenly,esp by becomin angry/ (CHEMISTRY)
  • Her FEEBLE-MINDED brother (an adult) had put her on the fire and held her there.
    without an ordinary level of intelligence, or unable to act or think in an intelligent way
  • He's against the idea, but I think I can TALK him INTO it.
    Persuade someone to do something
  • The noise of the bell RESONATED through the building/ The building RESONATES WITH historic significance
    Produce, increase,o fill w sound,by vibratin objects tht r near/ B filled w a particular quality
  • An ABSTRUSE philosophical essay (FML)
    not known or understood by many people
  • (US) The recession BLINDSIDED a lot of lawyers who had previously taken for granted their comfortable income.
    Surprise someone, usually with harmful results
  • Make a PIT STOP/ We made a quick PIT STOP in Denver before continuing our journey.
    An occasion when a driver in a motor race stops in the pits (area where cars r repaired)/ A short stop that u make during a long car journey so as t rest & eat
    an extremely bad situation in which many bad things happen at the same time
  • a compound (= a chemical that combines two or more elements) containing carbon that changes easily into a gas and that can be harmful to people's health or to the environment (CHEMISTRY)
    The company has been using a citrus-based product with no VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS or hazardous constituents.
  • We went to a LECTURE ON Italian art. Who's giving the LECTURE this afternoon?/ My dad gave me a LECTURE ON the evils of alcohol last night.
    A FML talk on a serious subject given t a group f ppl, esp students/ An angry or serious talk given to SB in order to criticize their behaviour
  • The vehicle was IMPOUNDED by customs/ Companies in breach of the ruling may have certain assets IMPOUNDED by the court.
    If the police impound ST that belongs t u, they take it away bc u hv broken the law/ Take ST away fm SB bc u hv the legal right to do so (LAW)
  • She wrote a piece about the battle between two business titans, beginning with the words: "GAME ON!"
    used to show that a competition of some kind is about to start, usually when you are excited about it (IFML)
  • The government's proposals have been strongly criticized by LABOR UNIONS. The rally was organized by local LABOR UNION officials. (US)
    an org that represents the people who work in a particular industry, protects their rights, and discusses their pay and working conditions with employers
  • The significance of those great stories RESONATES down the centuries/ Her experiences RESONATE powerfully with me, living, as I do, in a similar family situation.
    Continue to have a powerful effect or value/ If an experience or memory resonates, it makes you think of another similar one
  • He'd never have managed on his own, but his colleagues have PULLED HIM THROUGH. It was a crisis year for the company, but we have PULLED THROUGH/ They said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to PULL THROUGH
    succeed in dealing with a difficult period, or to help SB do this/ Become well again after a serious illness, especially when you might have died
  • These ROOKIE cops don't know anything yet. (US, IFML)
    a person who is new to an organization or an activity and does not have much experience
  • Careful! That chair's a bit RICKETY. She slowly climbed the RICKETY wooden steps. The recession put a lot of strain on an already RICKETY economic system.
    In bad condition and therefore weak and likely to break
  • The sale was TRANSACTED in conditions of the greatest secrecy (FML)/ The company TRANSACTS business in various foreign countries.
    do & complete a business activity/ Make & complete a purchase (occasion when you buy ST) or a sale
  • (FML) Doubts were cast on the VERACITY of her alibi=> A VERACIOUS and trustworthy historian
    the quality of being true, honest, or accurate=> Honest and not telling or containing any lies
  • a written promise fm a company t repair o replace a product tht develops a fault within a particular period f time, o t do a piece f work again if it is nt satisfactory
    A five-year WARRANTY, I’ve had problems with the car, but it’s still UNDER WARRANTY
  • Would it be too much of an IMPOSITION to ask you to pick my parents up from the airport?/ The IMPOSITION of the death penalty/martial law/sanctions
    A situation in which SB expects another person t do ST tht they do nt want t do o tht is nt convenient/ The introduction f a new law o system
  • He sprayed room FRESHENER in the newly dusted sitting room. Indians chew fennel seed as a mouth FRESHENER
    A thing that makes something smell, look, or taste cleaner or feel cooler
  • He was WELL-INFORMED and shrewd, with good, calm judgment. How WELL-INFORMED is the customer ABOUT the range, quality, and cost of the products on offer?
    Having a lot of knowledge or information about a particular subject or things in general
    a liquid with a pleasant smell that a man puts on his face after shaving
  • Stock prices BOUNCED BACK after a steep plunge earlier this week. Children often seem to BOUNCE BACK FROM illness more quickly than adults do.
    Start to be successful again after a difficult period, for example after experiencing failure, loss of confidence, illness, or unhappiness
  • (IFML) I'd love to stay longer but I must be hitting the road.
    Leave a place or begin a journey
  • a HEINOUS crime
    very bad and shocking (FML)
  • FLABBY arms/thighs I was starting to get a bit FLABBY around my waist/ A FLABBY argument
    soft and fat/ Weak and without force
  • We would spend every meal time ENTREATING the child TO eat her vegetables.
    try very hard to persuade someone to do something:
  • (IFML) It's easy to LET YOURSELF GO when you've got small kids/ It's a party - LET YOURSELF GO!
    allow yourself to become less attractive or healthy/ Relax completely and enjoy yourself
  • Try not to WORK YOURSELF UP about the exams. Nationalist speeches WORKED the crowd UP into a frenzy.
    make yourself or another person feel upset or feel strong emotions
  • reinforced CONCRETE=> They think she killed her husband, but they have no CONCRETE evidence=> Having this information helps me identify CONCRETELY what my goals should be.
    A very hard building material made by mixin together cement, sand, small stones,& water=> Clear & certain,o real & existin in a form tht cn b seen o felt
  • They're just HOPING AGAINST HOPE that she's still alive.
    Hope very strongly that something will happen, although you know it is not likely
  • There's good arts coverage in the newspaper, but not much political COMMENTARY.
    a set of written remarks on an event, book, or person that explains its subject or expresses an opinion on it
  • the STENCH of rotting fish/burning rubber/cigarette smoke/ For some time after the minister's resignation, the STENCH of scandal hung over the government (LITERARY)
    a strong, unpleasant smell/ A bad effect that follows an unpleasant event or situation and is noticeable for a long time
  • BOISTEROUS children, A BOISTEROUS game
    Noisy, energetic, and rough
  • He always spent 20 minutes LOOSENING UP before going for his morning run/ She was nervous at the beginning of the interview but LOOSENED UP after a while.
    Stretch ur muscles, esp. by doing special exercises before a hard physical activity/ Relax, esp. after being nervous
  • The investigation YIELDED some unexpected results/ They were forced to YIELD (UP) their land to the occupying forces=> Crop YIELDS have risen steadily (An amount f ST positive,suchas food o profit,tht is produced o supplied)
    Supply o produce ST positive suchas a profit,an amount f food o info/ Give up the control f o responsibility fo ST,often bc u hv been forced t=>
  • For ten years she LECTURED IN law. She travelled widely in North America, LECTURING ON women's rights/ His parents used to LECTURE him ON his table manners.
    Give a formal talk to a group f ppl, often at a college o university/ Talk angrily or seriously to someone in order to criticize their behaviour
  • I'll TAKE you THROUGH it one more time, then you can try it yourself.
    explain something to SB
  • Don't listen to her lies - she's just trying to POISON YOUR MIND AGAINST me.
    make someone believe unpleasant things about another person that are not true
  • SALARIED employees/workers/staff
    being paid a salary
  • RESONANCE/ Magnetic RESONANCE (PHYSICS)/ This poem has many RESONANCES for me (A feeling, thought, memory, etc.tht a piece f writin o music makes u hv,o the quality in a piece f writin, etc.tht makes this happen)
    the quality f bein loud & clear/ The production f a sound as a result f vibration f another object/
  • PRIMERS are used under foundation to keep your make-up in place for hours.
    a type of make-up that you put on your face under other make-up to make it go on more smoothly and last longer
  • A birth/marriage/death CERTIFICATE/ She has a CERTIFICATE in Drama Education.
    An official document tht states tht the info on it is true/ The qualification tht u receive when u r successful in an exam
  • Are you still UNDECIDED ABOUT the new job?/ The whole question is still UNDECIDED.
    If u r undecided,u hv nt yet made a decision o judgment abt ST/ Not decided or finished
  • We are CONDUCTING a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service=> He was criticized for his CONDUCT of the inquiry. (FML)
    organize & perform a particular activity=> The way in which an activity is organized and performed
  • The east coast railway line has been ELECTRIFIED/ She ELECTRIFIED her audience with her vivid stories=> The ELECTRIFICATION of the railways
    Make a machine o system operate usin electricity when it did nt before/ Make a person o group extremely excited by wht u say o do
  • a deep, RESONANT voice/ We felt privileged to be the first group of Western visitors to enter the historic palace, RESONANT WITH past conflicts.
    clear & loud,o causin sounds t b clear & loud/ Makin u think f a similar exp o memory
  • The government seems to have no understanding of what AILS the country/ I don’t know what’s AILING her=> AILING=> AILMENT
    Cause difficulty & problems fo SB o ST (FML)/ Feel or cause SB to feel ill, unhealthy, or weak (OLD-FASHIONED)
  • a KNOWING look/glance/smile=> She smiled KNOWINGLY at him/ I've never KNOWINGLY offended him (If u do st knowingly, u do it knowin wht will b its likely effect)
    Showin tht u know abt st,even when it has not been talked abt=> In a way tht shows u know abt ST/.....
  • Our coach has worked hard to INCULCATE a team spirit IN/INTO the players (FML)=> The law exempts nonprofit religious groups whose purpose is the INCULCATION of religious values
    Fix beliefs o ideas in SB's mind, esp by repeating em often
  • The COMMENTARY on the Olympic Games was much better on the other channel=>RUNNING COMMENTARY=> COMMENTARY BOX (A room o place fo a radio o tv reporter at a special event, esp a sports competition, fm which they report wht is happenin)
    A spoken description f an event on the radio o tv tht is broadcast as the event happens=>A continuous description of events as they are happening
  • They're going to TEAR DOWN the old hospital and build a new one.
    Intentionally destroy a building or other structure because it is not being used or it is not wanted any more
    a piece of land that sticks out from the coast into the sea
  • The writers will take part in ROUND-TABLE discussions and read from their works.
    involving several people who talk about something as equals
    a man who is very skilled at playing or conducting (= directing the performance of) music
  • The future of the company now RIDES ON the new managing director. I have a lot of money RIDING ON that horse (= I will win or lose a lot of money if that horse wins or loses the race).
    When something important, such as your reputation or money, rides on a particular person or thing, it will be won or achieved if that person or thing is success
  • We quickly grew tired in the BLAZING sunshine. Usain Bolt's BLAZING speed/ They used to have some BLAZING rows over money.
    Very bright and hot; powerful and impressive/ Violent and frightening
  • Silver TARNISHES easily/ The scandal has TARNISHED the agency’s reputation.
    (Metal surfaces) Become less bright o a different color/ If ST tarnishes ur opinion f SB o ST, u no longer believe the person o thing is as good as u'd thought
  • fish/potato CAKES=> The men were CAKED in layers of filth and grime. Boots CAKED with mud
    a small flat object made by pressing together a soft substance=> Cover something or someone thickly with a substance that then dries out
  • The council has IMPOSED a ban ON alcohol in the city parks. Very high taxes have recently been IMPOSED ON cigarettes/ We must IMPOSE some kind of order ON the way this office is run
    officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. t b obeyed o received/ Force SB t accept ST, esp a belief o way f living
  • He's definitely lost his MOJO. He needs to get his MOJO working if he's going to win the election. (IFML)
    a quality that attracts people to you and makes you successful and full of energy
  • Are you kids STRAPPED IN back there?
    fasten a seat belt around someone in a car, aircraft, or other vehicle, for safety purposes
  • I WANT OUT OF the whole venture before it's too late. (WANT IN/OUT OF, IFML)
    Want to start or stop being involved in something
  • While most people would BLANCH AT the prospect of so much work, Daniels seems to enjoy it/ BLANCH the peaches before peeling them.
    Turn pale, E.G bc u r shocked/ Cook food, esp. vegetables, in boiling water for a very brief time
  • He's certainly not afraid to SPEAK HIS MIND
    say what you think about something very directly
  • His legs began to YIELD under the sheer weight of his body (FML)/ If you're going downhill, you need to YIELD TO bikers going uphill.
    Bend o break under pressure/ Stop so as t allow other vehicles t go past,esp before u drive onto a bigger road
    Think that things that are completely impossible might happen, rather than understanding how things really are
  • His loss of hearing was a severe HANDICAP(OLD-FASHIONED, OFFENSIVE)/I found that not having a car was quite a HANDICAP while on holiday=> Rescue efforts have been HANDICAPPED by rough seas and hurricane-force winds. (MAKE ST MORE DIFFICULT)
    A physical o mental condition that makes ordinary activities more difficult than they r fo other ppl/ ST that makes it difficult fo u t do ST=> make ST more dif
  • He was a FEEBLE, helpless old man/ A FEEBLE joke/excuse
    weak & wo energy, strength, or power/ Not effective or good
  • He said, with SEEMING embarrassment, that he would have to cancel the meeting=> He remains confident and SEEMINGLY untroubled by his recent problems/ The factory closure is SEEMINGLY inevitable.
    appearin t b ST,esp when this is nt true=> Appearin t b ST,esp when this is nt true/ According t the facts tht u know
  • She's trying to make a COMEBACK with her first album for 20 years/ The band was popular in the late '70s, and had a COMEBACK in the early '90s.
    An attempt t become famous, powerful, o important again after a period f being much less famous, etc/ A return to an earlier and better position or condition
  • The bomb reduced the house to RUBBLE.
    The piles f broken stone & bricks, etc. that r left when a building falls down o is destroyed/ Small pieces f stone o rock used fo building
  • You come across various mini-games when you are playing in STORY MODE. There are two gameplay options, arcade and STORY MODE
    a version of a computer game in which the player controls a character in a story
  • The orchestra was CONDUCTED by Mira Shapur/ Copper CONDUCTS electricity, but plastic does not.
    direct the performance f musicians o a piece f music/ Allow electricity o heat t go through
  • Users can now make financial TRANSACTIONS in euros (COMMERCE)/The Government is determined to make the UK the best place for the TRANSACTION of e-business (FML)/ The .LDF file tracks all the TRANSACTIONS made since the last backup (IT)
    An occasion when SB buys o sells ST/The process f doin business/A single action suchas addin a sale o a new customer, which changes data in a computer database
  • How should I CONDUCT MYSELF myself at these dinners? I know nothing about etiquette=> Bad/excellent/disgraceful CONDUCT. The club has a strict code (= set of rules) of CONDUCT. (BEHAVIOR)
    Behave in a particular way,esp in a public o fml situation,o t organize the way in which u live in a particular way
  • This information can be used by BUSINESS AGENTS or brokers that become involved in the marketing process/ (US, HR) Don Staten is a BUSINESS AGENT of Laborers Union Local 434. (A labor union officer who represents all members at one company)
    SB who represents a person o company in matters f business & who cn make business decisions, agreements, etc, fo em/......
  • HANDICAPS give people with different abilities an equal chance of winning. My current golf HANDICAP is nine.
    a disadvantage given t a person taking part in a game o competition so as t reduce their chances f winning, o a sports event in which such disadvantages r given
  • The players' union is opposed to a SALARY CAP (HR, WORKPLACE)
    an upper limit on the amount that employees in a particular company or industry can be paid
  • May I CONDUCT you TO your table, sir, or would you prefer to have a drink at the bar first?(FML)/ A guide CONDUCTS tours of the cathedral every afternoon at 2.00.
    lead SB t a particular place/ If u conduct a tour f a place,u take ppl around the place & show it t em
  • Are the kids STRAPPED INTO their car seats? We STRAPPED the surfboard TO the car roof.
    fasten something in position by fastening a narrow piece of leather or other strong material around it
    a strong strip of material hanging from the roof of a bus, train, or other public vehicle for passengers to hold onto if they are standing
  • It's best to use a coat of PRIMER before the top coat/ I think I should give you a quick PRIMER on the basic setup and cast of characters.
    A type of paint that u put on a surface before the main paint is put on/ A talk, exp, etc that provides info frm which u can learn
  • In later life she was crippled with ARTHRITIS=> An ARTHRITIC knee
    a serious condition in which a person's joints (= the places where two bones are connected) become painful, swollen, and stiff
  • GENUINE leather/ He's a very GENUINE person=> GENUINENESS
    If ST is genuine, it is real & exactly wht it appears t b/ If people or emotions are genuine, they are honest and sincere
  • She's always IMPOSING ON people - asking favours and getting everyone to do things for her/ They are calling for the regulatory body to IMPOSE A BAN/A RESTRICTION/A PENALTY on television ads aimed at the under-12s.
    Expect SB t do ST fo u o spend time w u when they do nt want t o when it is nt convenient fo em/ Introduce a new law, tax, rule, o punishment
    a long, narrow bar of wood or metal that people can hold on to for support, especially when going up or down stairs
  • We stayed on one of the LESSER-KNOWN Greek islands.
    Not as popular or famous as something else
  • She has loads of natural talent as a runner and with rigorous training she could be a WORLD-BEATER=> A WORLD-BEATING partnership The Fitzwilliam is a WORLD-BEATING gallery.
    A person o thing that is better than any other f its type=> (Of a person or thing) better than any other of its type
  • I think Mick HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD when he said that what's lacking in this company is a feeling of confidence.
    describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem
  • She has nothing but SCORN FOR the new generation of politicians=> So does he respect the press and media, or does he secretly SCORN them? You SCORNED all my suggestions/ She SCORNED all my offers of help=> A SCORNFUL laugh/look
    A very strong feeling f no respect fo SB o ST that u think is stupid o has no value=> Show scorn fo SB o ST/Refuse advice or an offer bc u r too proud
  • I didn't really HIT IT OFF WITH his friends. Jake and Sue HIT IT OFF immediately. (IFML)
    like someone and become friendly immediately
  • I've repaired it as well as I can - we'll just have to HOPE FOR THE BEST
    Hope that something will be successful or happen in the way you want, even if it seems unlikely
    a device that collects and stores electricity, and is an important part of electronic equipment such as televisions and radios
  • The singer CONFOUNDED her critics WITH a remarkable follow-up album.
    Confuse & very much surprise SB, so that they r unable t explain o deal w a situation
  • Details of the MODIFIED AMERICAN PLAN will vary based on the hotel or resort you choose.
    a hotel room combined with breakfast and another meal either in the evening or in the middle of the day